Trade Post - Items Sold List
It’s just delayed.
The current implementation of the TP doesn’t do a good job of loading old data and it can time out the first time it tries. What I do is: try to “items I’m buying,” switch back to “sell” or “buy” tabs, and then try again (same thing for “items I’m selling”). Often takes 2-3 tries, but it always works after. At least, until I change toons.
BTW: I do care what I sold last year and I would review that data more often if the interface was easier to use.
thx – this temp fix works
but still its a bug and maby arenanet wanna look at
Meh. They may want to fix it, but if they take my own items bought page into consideration.... *shudder*. Other than an ’auto-retry until success’ to mask the failed lookups, I don’t see what they can do for it.
//Portable Corpse
-- probably in the top 0.5% of buyers by volume