Trading Post - Bugs - May 28th 2017

Trading Post - Bugs - May 28th 2017

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Dear ANET,

Some interesting bugs….
1) The number of items you have listed on the trading post is incorrect.
- See attached screenshot – where I have loaded 53400 TP Listings of 44536 (Max Listed)
- For some reason It allowed me to load 9000+ more TP listings that the TP Thought I had listed (sell listings). This is concerning, as I’m never really sure if the TP actually is working correctly (and for sell ‘all’ listings) this should not be changing if I am loading all entries.

2) The time required to load all items in your trading post listings > 10 mins.
- This should have a ‘LOAD ALL’ item, which loads all the items you have listed.
- Alternate sites like GW2BLTC etc allow you to list all items you have loaded.
- This can be throttled to load at a reasonable request refresh rate to not kill the back-end of the system. Its extremely annoying to hit ‘Load More’ for 10+mins to load all your tp listing history to cancel one item that you may have listed 4Yrs ago.

Some potential improvements:
*3) The trading post cancels your loaded history of items when you go to search buy/sell items *
- This information should be cached, if loaded – and if it is possible to have a ‘Refresh All’ if you need to reload the information. This would also reduce the back-end requirements on the TP Servers.

4) Filtered ‘Load All’
– allow someone to put in the search for the item they are looking for, and to ‘load all’ matching entries. e.g. Tiny Snowflakes – then load all entries just for the snowflakes quickly ;-)



[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX