Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Dunno where to post this, if it’s in the wrong section please transfer it. But yeah, my trading post window has been acting funny the last few days. The fonts are too big; they appear to be in bold text and the numbers signifying costs appear like 00432, for example.

Tried everything from restarting the client, the computer and the modem. No progress.

Here are screenies:

Top – Buy screen
Mid – Sell screen
Bottom – Picking an item and setting amount of purchase


Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


You may want to double check that your font settings under options is set to small… Or set it to a different value and then back to your preferred setting.

If that doesn’t help, you can try to delete the local.dat file under: my documents/guild wars 2

Otherwise, you can try to delete the gw2 cache. I’ll hunt down the directions and post them for you in an edit to this.

Here is the post in full by an Anet staff member:

“Hi. There are many factors that can cause problems with the Trading Post and/or Gem Store. In order to diagnose your specific problem, we’ll need you to submit a customer support ticket, please. Also, please include any relevant information, such as your operating system, your PC specs, and firewall info.

We’re sorry that you’re experiencing this issue and hope we can help you.

Before you submit your ticket, you can try clearing your cache. To do this, you will want to close GW2 and:

1. Click the Windows start button.
2. Search for temp
3. Find any gw2cache folders and delete them.
4. Relaunch the game.

I hope this fixes it for you, but if it doesn’t, please follow my initial instructions."

He did not post this for your specific problem, but hey, I figure, it’s worth a shot.

Please let me know how you go

(edited by Kyllaa.1385)

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Thanks! I’ll try this right away.

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Well, the suggestions didn’t really help me fix it, but the effort to help is much appreciated. I just sent an in-game support ticket. I do hope it gets fixed soon.