Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Piccolo.7296


So I decided to test out the buy low sell high thing because people claim to be making 1g/2g per hour. So I bought 10 vials of blood for 4s and 50c. I then sold that 10 vials of blood for 50c more, which would be 5s and 0c all together. So after the Trading Posts tells me I have sold all 10 vials of blood, it shows my profit only 4s and 50c.. The listing price for my sale was 22c. So I should have made 4s and 78c.. So what the heck is going on here? The Trading Post is screwing me out of my profit. Or am I doing my math wrong?

Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: miek.8641


The trading post takes 10% when you make the sale and then a further 10% on collect, so its effectively 20% cut. I don’t think there has been any word whether this is intended or not, but as is you’re best to take a 20% loss when making calculations on whether you can make money or not off selling something on the trading post.

Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Green Tea.9726

Green Tea.9726

OK. So from what I’ve learnt is that trading works like this;

1. You put up an item buy order -> no fee
2. You put up an item sell order -> 5% fee (total sale value) taken from inventory
3. Money shows up in Pick Up with 10% LESS of total sale value.
4. Collecting Money from Pick Up incurs no fee.

There is a hidden 10% fee that “they” take.
The total fee amount is 15%.

This was all tested with Copper Ore.
As meik.8641 said before, whether the extra hidden 10% fee was intended or not, we don’t know yet.

Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tyler.8751


What I don’t understand is that when I tried with copper ore, I bought one at 17 copper. Sold for 20 copper, said the cut was 1 copper so I expected 19, but got 18 instead at the collection page. When I collected, it still didn’t give me the correct amount, instead gave me 17 copper. This doesn’t make any sense, if this is intended its the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. At least tell us about ALL of the fees.

Trading Post - Is it me or the Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I think they really need to be more specific about this stuff. I feel bad for players when items I see for sale after the cut will be LESS than vendoring the item. I’ve seen it DOZENS of times. People are losing money right and left over not understanding how it works, and as tight as money is this early in a game’s release, this is really, REALLY unkind to the player base.

I’d call this a bug, even if it’s working as intended, because so few people understand how it works, it can’t be USED as intended.