Trading Post Issues I've Come Across

Trading Post Issues I've Come Across

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Ok Recently I have been getting slightly annoyed at the use of TP. Here are the issues/annoyances I am having.

1) It has to do with having the TP (press ‘O’) and my inventory (‘I’) simultaneously loaded on the screen. On the TP I search the name of an item/weapon/armor/etc. I do this by first finding out the name of it via hovering/clicking over the item in my inventory, then clicking on the search bar in the TP and typing the name down – sometimes if the name is too long I need to hover over it in the inventory again.

Once I am done I go to the next item (same as before), however, when I try to type in the next item in the TP search bar, suddenly any keystrokes I make will involve my character in the background. I need to quit the TP and restart the search.

2) Whenever I quit the TP and reload it, it always goes back to the “official/initial” page. Why does it do that? Not sure about others, but I would rather have the same page load up when I turn the TP off and then back on.

3) Is there any way to copy and paste item names? Some of the item/armor/weapon/etc names as realy long and it would save time when looking up the item on the TP – right clik item, copy name, then paste.



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