-Trading Post Problems-

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ninstox.9742


I am having a lot of trouble trying to use the trading post, and I believe there are more people out there having similiar problems.
I can talk to NPC’s which allow me to get the UI of the Trading Post but when navigating through the options, when I click “Sell an item” instead of anything loading, the screen moves to a blank screen and does not load. As a result I cannot sell my items.
Secondly, if I try to buy an item, I can browse through the item lists, see the prices, but there is a large problem. The “buy” button is disabled (grey) which means not only can I not sell anything, I cannot buy anything either.
I’ve tried various ways of trying to fix it too. I have tried relogging several times but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be that easy. On top of this I also tried making a shortcut and changing the destination folder to a “-repair” on the end. This worked the first time and I could use the trading post! However, when I tried doing this again in the future it did not work.
If anybody knows any other methods which could potentially fix this problem or if somebody knows about what is being done about this problem please post here

(edited by Ninstox.9742)

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: barbour.3062


I have both issues as well. They are working (after week of myself and other complaining) on a fix. they recommend deleting the local.dat file from the yourdocuments/guildwars folder. I don’t however recommend this. Lost my ability to represent guilds when I did it.

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ProdigyLost.6035


I’ve heard that a reinstall of the game fixes the guild representation problem barbour.

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ninstox.9742


Thanks barbour, I’ll look into that method now! I guess I might have to sacrifice guilds if I do it too but I think selling/buying things will be more useful for me right now. :S

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: barbour.3062


Already done the re-install thanks. But still no use of the market after words. I rather have the guilds then the market. For me having friendly faces to talk to is more important then buying from the market.

I had others buy stuff for me and pay them back the coin. Apparently GMs didn’t like that and I had received a warning.

EDIT I forgot to point out even with the local dat gone I still didn’t have the shop.

(edited by barbour.3062)

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ninstox.9742


Yeahh, just deleted the local.dat file and then when I started it up again the shop still wouldn’t work

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: applied disbelief.8763

applied disbelief.8763

Same problem with the “buy” button being greyed out, and occasionally nothing loading at all in TP. Restarting client did nothing.

“Everything sacred is a tie, a fetter.”

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ninstox.9742


Just tried right clicking gw2.exe and “Run as administrator”. This time I could use all of the trading post features. Don’t forget to try this solution out because it is very simple and could save you a lot of time.
Now I’m going to test out if it only works when I run as administrator.

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ninstox.9742


Tested now without running it is an administrator and it now works pefectly. If any of you haven’t tried running it is an administrator and are having problems, give it a try. Might work for you too.

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: applied disbelief.8763

applied disbelief.8763

I just bumped into that solution as well, Ninstox, and it cleared up my problems.

“Everything sacred is a tie, a fetter.”

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JJ QuagoGraphy.1603

JJ QuagoGraphy.1603

got same problem…..and “Run as administrator” tip is work fine with me…..ty Ninstox. :P

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Corwynn Maelstrom.3257

Corwynn Maelstrom.3257

Run as administrator solved this for me on Windows 7.

-Trading Post Problems-

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whiteblade.1504


Solution worked for me too.