Trading post bug & new patch

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

The listing fee can no longer be avoided by listing an item at a lower price than the highest buy order. Items priced lower than an existing highest buy order will now be sold at the lower price. The player with the highest buy order will receive the item and be refunded any difference in price.

This is interesting, but this makes a bug that has existed for a while (possibly since beta?), become very, very serious. I will attempt to describe what happens, and hope that you can see how this is a much bigger issue now.

Example situation, but based on what really can happen, as something similar did happen to me (except the exotic was a rare, the garlic bread was real, and the situation overly dramatized to express the point, and to highlight that until this bug is fixed, this really could, and likely will, happen to someone):

You go to your inventory where you just had an exotic greatsword drop for you. You right click on it, and choose to sell on trading post. The Black Lion Trading Post window appears, but instead it shows only your inventory items, and doesn’t ‘select’ the greatsword. You think on it for a minute, and decide to keep it instead. Since the trading post window is already open, you click on ‘Garlic Bread’ from the AC run you just did, and put it up for sale for 1 silver. You don’t think anything of it, head off to Lion’s Arch.
A little later, you want to show your guild the exotic greatsword you got earlier, but instead all you find is the 1 garlic bread you are positive you sold. They tell you to check your sale history, and sure enough, you sold the greatsword outright at a buy offer… and now you take note of the name of this greatsword, that is used to make a legendary, that you just sold for 1s…

Prior to today’s update, this would just sell at the highest buy order. Now, this situation is very real. Ever since I had it happen to me with a rare, I close the window if it will not show the item, and reopen it, every time. I was not aware this bug existed just a few months ago until this happened to me (again, it was a rare so at most I was out 3 ecto and gained probably 35s).

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Yeah, the TP is very buggy when switching through the selected list of items in your inventory to sell. Also needing to right-click > Sell on TP several times to get the sell window to actually open is a pain. I am usually forced to close the window and right-click > Sell on TP for every single item I want to sell due to selling one item and then going to sell another causing the window to bug out and only display the items currently in my inventory no matter how many times I try to get the sell page to load.

They really need to start addressing the horrible TP functionality and interface.

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Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Wow. I’ve noticed right-click sell on TP not selecting the desired item many many times but didn’t know about this bug. I wonder how much gold has been lost from this?

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


I’ve had this happen a quite a few times since the Bazaar patch dropped and the TP interface fell from its knees to its face. I never used that inventory list method until then when I got fed up trying to get the usual item listing up after several tries most times. I sold off quite a few items at very low prices (fortunately, at that time they sold to high buy orders so it wasn’t as bad as it would be now), and a number of items were put up for far more than they should’ve causing me to lose money by having to take them down and relist them properly.

Dunno what’s up with that GUI element, but it can’t be trusted. Showing one item’s data, and selling a different one when you hit that button is….not a good thing.

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

It first happened to me months ago, and like Stinvec, I do the exact same thing now. And shortly after the patch, someone was in LA saying they accidentally sold Dusk for 4s (no idea if serious but it is possible now). Before it was just an inconvenience and a little lost money, now it has the potential for dramatic losses. If this and some other TP bugs are fixed, then it’s just player error when something like that happens, but with this issue, you can be tricked into selling it at the wrong amount.

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saucermote.9140


I’ve lost countless items to this bug, thankfully nothing as expensive as a precursor, but it is endlessly frustrating to sell a nice weapon when you’re sure you’re selling a beet you just harvested. And of course the weapon instantly sells due to the buy orders, giving you no chance to correct the game’s mistake.

It is even very easy to mess up with stacks of items, I’ve often had problems after hitting the nodes in my home instance. I’m not positive this was with the right clicking and sell option.

You don’t win friends with Salad.

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Interesting to read about this issue… when checking the TP for the extremely elusive Favour of the Bazaar on many occasions this past week or so, I noticed that the prices being shown were often nothing like the actual prices they were selling for…
Favour of Bazar often showed 1+ gold but when clicking in to buy it , it had changed to like 15gold and the less elusive favour of the Pavilion was showing at like 20silver, but was actually more like 2gold.. .. these are just 2 items I have checked recently, so no telling what else is being listed as one thing but no where near what it’s actually listed for – – be careful out there!

Also to add.. why sooo many “Service Unavailable” HTTP 503 errors since the patch (not just with TP but with these forums as well??

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


This is truly the most annoying bug….the TP prices/listings are broken for all new items which is also affecting external sites such as, etc….

I hope they fix this soon

Trading post bug & new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Infusion.7149


Had this happen to me multiple times over the past few days but didn’t notice it until I went through the “sold items”


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In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer

(edited by Infusion.7149)