Trading post loading REALLLY slow.
Title. Impossible to check current transactions. It’s been getting slower and slower lately.
I find it varies a lot. Sometimes it’s interminably slow, sometimes it’s faster than it ever was using the old UI.
Yeah same, I still get crashes often from it, longer it takes to load the more likely it will crash… For some unknown reason the coherent processes have a habit of terminating themselves, if not they can be very sluggish but so far unlike the old tp if one tab for the new tp works then every other tab will (Minus gold/gem exchange which may load but sometimes won’t let you enter values)
Can’t say for others but if the tp doesn’t load within 30s for me it won’t load at all without a game reboot, always been that way with the old tp as well. April-September however was the one period where the tp was 100%, a few misaligned numbers on my client but that was the best tp experience I’ve had overall since I’ve been a gw2 player.
Since feature patch, it constantly takes 4-6 seconds to open on my side. Like with the old TP.