Trading post process orders, do not deliver
I have had this issue before. I mainly went through support to resolve it, though I generally had to wait for a maintenance to be performed for the game before it got fixed. Though from the time the issue started for me until when it was resolved was also several weeks of having no TP. :\
Thread for back when I had it.
I hope your support ticket has been updated with them telling you it can be corrected soon, otherwise leave a comment on this thread (Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]) and include your support ticket number and Gaile should be able to help with resolving this issue since it has been going on for so very long.
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Thanks, it is nice to know that people suffered the same before.
I have an ongoing ticket as well, they are having me wait for developer support.
I know reimbursing is supposed to be addressed by support ticket only but did you get your stuff back in the end? I was pretty angry at the amount of time it is taking.
I figure they might refund the itens that weren’t processed or got stuck but i lost a LOT by taking out buying orders and it all going down the drain. I had not noticed it was bugged until then.
I didn’t even look to get anything refunded.
Because of things I was buying not actually buying (so I thought), I only made a few repeated attempts to purchase items before I figured something was wrong. Everything I bought, because each attempt actually did end up buying the items, ended up getting dropped into my pick up tab once it got sorted out. So the duplicates I didn’t need, that I actually did purchase from several purchase attempts, I just ended up re-listed them again. I only lost a little bit of coin due to the re-listing fees and taxes, but I recouped most of the coin I was spending due to the issue.
As in the comment in that thread I linked, support advised not making any more purchases until it got sorted out. Every single purchase attempt you made did end up going through, despite the error given. So if you did do a bunch of buy clicks then expect your pick up tab to end up being filled with all of those purchases when it gets fixed. I’d recommend seeing if you can re-list the item copies you don’t need/didn’t intend to buy to recoup most of the coin again.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)