Transfering Servers
Also when my guild hovers over my character it shows Henge of Denravi and it shows Henge of Denravi on their guild tab. I am going to have one of them take a screenshot and add it to this post. Whatever the result of this I feel as if I am being treated unfairly for a GW2 bug.
There are two different screenshots of the different servers it shows I am on. In the first attachment it shows I am on Henge of Denravi and on the second it shows Yak’s Bend.
My understanding of their reply that it is not that they will not but that they can not as they lack the tools, presumably software, to do so. You might argue that they should have such tools but that’s another matter.
Maybe they should give me the GEMS or money to transfer after the 7th day
This is a sceenshot of my char select showing me on fort aspenwood but our guild shows as yaks bend on the guild page
Maybe they should give me the GEMS or money to transfer after the 7th day
Maybe they should g/l.
They don’t believe me. I got a response back from them stating that if I video recorded or screenshotted when I transferred then they would move me no questions asked. WTH who would do that?
So, first they say they can’t do it as they lack the tools to do so and then they say that they would have done so if you could “prove” it.
Hmm, someone’s a little confused at ANEt.