Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: whiteflower.9425



Did the Twilight Arbor forward-up way impossible to do?
Yesterday my guild and i went there and try anything but the spiders number were absurd.
- We did range.
- We did 2 range and 3 guardians kiting spiders in the tree.
- We did all melee with reflects and condition removal.
- We try to dodge as much as possible but if we are melee some dodge are impossible to do because we cannot see correctly the Tree shaking.
- We try cleaning up the spiders of the room, but even when we don’t attack the boss and we are not near him the spiders keep coming.

We try everything and nothing seem to work.
Every time we died, it seem the number of spiders were increasing and increasing.
We stay there for like 3h-4h and nothing seem to work.
I don’t know if it is a bug.

The Dragon Bash patch updates says: “Additional turrets that spawn further out from the Nightmare Tree have been added.” … “turrets” , i mean, i don’t think spiders are turrets.
I research further and no patch notes say anything about changing the number or spiders in Twilight Arbor.

I just want to do this for the Dungeon Master achievement and Twilight Arbor Forward-Up path is the only path that’s missing me.
With this rhythm I will not do the Dungeon Master and with the July Update the achievement points are important.

I do not see any post about this, or they were deleted or people are waiting for other people to complain, well, that person is me then.

Can someone help me then?
Anet please consider this topic and try to make this path a little less impossible.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: hagop.1052



Finally I have completed it using tactics from that video . Just forward to 11:30 and check their tactics. This is by far the safest and most efficient way to complete it right now. You need two guardians with skills: spirit shield of the avenger+sanctuary+wall of reflection+tome of wrath and trait: spirit weapon last 50% longer. While first guardian uses shields, 2nd uses tome of wrath and 4 skill to give haste and staff skill to give might. We used 3 berserk warriors, but I think you can still use any 3 pure berserk classes, but 2 guardians+3 warriors is probably best way to beat it. Just make sure you use food buffs, banners, traits to give you power. Also communicate who is using their shield first and once first guardian will run out from defence shields make sure 2nd guardian will use their ones.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: Joq.7102


Yeah, one of the patches added the endless spider waves that aggro even without anyone doing anything. Not fun, as almost all of the pugs I’ve been in since the patch have failed at the boss.

Did it this morning with a pug, made everyone promise not to ragequit at the boss. Two people quit after not believing it could be done at a range, replaced ‘em with guildies. Killed the boss quite handily at ~1000 range with 2 guardians providing reflects/absorption, a warrior providing banners + fire combo fields, and the rest killing spiders. It does get easier the further you get in the fight, as the poison aoe (that I always forget to dodge since there’s an army of spiders trying to kill me) no longer spawns spiders that much.

Maybe think about your party composition more – if you get proper zerkers in there, and perhaps two or three guys with reflects, you can go melee the boss quite handily. If you don’t have the dps, it’s… not fun. If you go ranged, maybe two guardians, staff ele for aoe, and the rest of the guys dps the spiders? The path’s way too hard these days, I agree.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: Geekfox.4267


The spider behaviors were silently changed in the June patch. No word if this was intentional or not.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

The spider number is absurd. It can be done, though.

If you are a ranger, keep your pet on passive. Do not use it, no matter what. Stay at max (1200 or more) range. Anyone who cannot get 1200 range, stay with those who are ranged, and kill whatever spiders might come near. Dodge the aoe circles when they appear.

Whatever you do, do not go melee… the spiders will own you, then go after your team. Don’t let minions or pets go in, either.

I usually do this with as much conditions, or long range dps as I can. It takes longer simply because of the spiders. If the spiders do come out (as they often times do), you NEED to kill them. It won’t give you much more than a slight bit of reprieve, but it should be enough to get long condition durations going.

My main is a ranger, so this path is utterly ridiculous… and has always been. It is necessary to keep the pet on passive, sadly. (So bring something you can just keep next to you, in case it decides it wants to go agro)

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: whiteflower.9425


You don’t understand, i did with 3 guardians, mesmer zerk and warrior zerk, so we had reflects and damage, but the spiders, even with 1200 range they see us.

So the range thing doesn’t work.

Resuming, we had a GOOD party and we did ALL and nothing worked.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: Appoh.2875


When anyone runs TA now they never do that path. It’s best to just avoid it unless you need the achievement

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: whiteflower.9425


Well I need the achiv, unless i was not doing this path, only cof

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: Appoh.2875


i c well i have no idea how to pass that path. My guild said it was impossible

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: hagop.1052


By no means spider spawning rate is bugged since June patch. It is possible to do it, but it is extremely hard. Either chain reflections or kite the spiders using reflections skills as well. Use P/V/T armor since boss is invulnerable to critical hits, stack might and dps the boss.
I hope arenanet will fix the spiders spawning, because you cannot find anybody who wants to run this path right now. It is by no means, toughest dungeon encounter right now, boss is ok, but the side spiders are killers. Arah seams easy comparing to this fight.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: MegiddoZO.3409


I have recorded the run of TA Forward/Up that I did 2 days ago:

The Video

I hope this video will help realize the team that this boss’ current spider spawning behaviour is completely unreasonable.

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: WilliamDaBloody.2591


Just did a run with a PUG. 2nd attempt we got the boss. We also had a first timer for TA with us.

Strategy used: one guardian kites the spiders around the tree, other members go range on the boss.

When too much spiders came to us, we had to leave (guardian keeps kiting, so boss does not reset), kill the the few spiders and go back.

For the four guys ranging: rifle warrior, mesmer for timeloop and general group condition removal is helpful. Do not use any AoE and do no hit any spider to not pull aggro with the range group (make sure autoattack is off). Warriros have banner equiped to pickup the kiting guardian in case he is in down state. But usually with 25% melee movement speed the guardian should rarely be hit but probably need some wrist surgery afterwards xD.

Took quite some time though as we were not optimized for ranged batte (full zerk would have been better), but it is doable with any group this way. All depends on the one running in circles and kiting the spiders.

Also one member had to leave during the battle (real life always comes firs), so we did most of the end boss with four people.

Will upload recording later.

Probably best speed run group would be: 1 guardian, 1 mesmer, 3 rifle zerk warriors.

If you have a lot of time the boss is solable. But it will take forever.

(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)

Twilight Arbor Impossible Way Forward-Up

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Posted by: superbutt.6475


What the hell ANet ???? If we don’t kill this boss at first try by zerging him (I mean with 5 lvl 80 full zerk stuff), he becomes unbeatable, the point on this boss is to dodge the poison to avoid having more spiders, and even if you dodge well, you’ve got 30 spiders coming out of nowhere.

When everybody is dead, spiders stay, no reset possible, you just have 50 spiders waiting for you, killing your whole groupe in 10sec…

Do something please, and fast, I can’t start imagining 5 lvl 55 doing this path…..

Manwe Zetsubo
GvG contact – Black Horde [BLAK]
Augury Rock