Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Ampharius.8012



Hello all,

I’m posting this because I’ve been trying to complete the TA fw up path for the last week. Each time we failed at the tree (obviously). I don’t know if anyone has tried this path lately, but it is simply insane.

First of all, the spiders that spawned, do not despawn. So if you fail on your first try, you got loads and loads of spiders to fight against. Thank god there is a solution: do the whole dungeon again from scratch. (lucky us!)

Second, due to the amount of spiders, the poison you get thrown to you is impossible to counter effectively.

Third, the fast spawning of adds. I get that you need adds, but they spawn so fast you hardly have time to do anything against it. If you pull back a little to take care of the adds without the boss spitting new ones on your head, you just reset the boss.

The only way to counter this is bringing people with reflective spells. This can’t be the aim of this boss right? To have an effective reflection routine you practically need teamspeak + players who are used to play together to coordinate. Pugs simply don’t stand a chance. At least not the pugs you get now since the more experienced players don’t want to be in this specific path anymore.

So you’re forced to take care of the spiders, while tracking the boss’s movements to keep up reflective shields rotation, making sure you stay within reach of the boss AND manage to stay alive through his other abilities by using condition removal spells and healing yourself all the time. And then you’ve not even started to dps the boss itself.

Due to the fact that this path is what it is now, people don’t want to participate in it anymore. If you’re lucky and you get a decent party to come along with you, and you are trying to finish it yet you need several tries to do this, lots of ppl get fed up and just leave your party because of the many failings at the end boss. Finding replacements is easy, but they leave just as fast. In the end you just get nowhere.

The first few days I tried this I thought this was just me being bad at the game (although I’ve played from the start and I have done my fair share of dungeons, I’m on lvl 28 fractals + did most of the other dungeons too).

After several runs now and even joining up with people who did this before (complete parties of people who have 8k+ achievement points and all) and still failing, I’m beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with the boss fight itself. Did it got buffed too much? What got changed since the last time this was looked into?

The most % of hp I got off from this boss was 25%. I cannot even imagine how to get him down. The videos on youtube are not realistic. Try what you see there with the current boss and he’ll wipe the floor with you. Everybody is dying so fast there, it’s ridiculous.

One thing is certain though: this path will be played less and less if this is not looked into… which can not be the aim of the game right? I do want some challenges before you can kill the boss, but they have to be doable…

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: UserError.7150


Now I am not agreeing with what anet has done, in fact i actually agree with you b/c this and CoF p3 are the worst, but at least CoF p3 its near the beginning, not the final boss.
But most Dungeons do have one difficult path, and every time someone has found an Exploit on this particular boss, anet has fixed it rather quickly. This is one of the major reasons why i disagree with their policy of fixing exploits first, because their may not be a way for 5 random ppl to run in and finish it otherwise. So instead of fixing the problems, they fix the solution to at least be able to complete it, especially when you have come so far already

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ampharius.8012


I’ve done CoF P3 too and it’s much easier than TA fw up tbh… It’s hard, but if you have a party that has some experience in doing dungeons and can hold their own it’s perfectly doable.

I don’t know if Arenanet can see statistics on how many dungeons were completed lately? I would love to see the numbers on TA fw up for the last months and see how many people actually finished it.

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Azlaier.4280


Last boss is virtually impossible.

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: VoxShatterfall.5470


TA fwd up is indeed hard. You can do it one of three ways, two which are extremely team based, the 3rd which requires a particular class. First way – Full on face tanking with 2 guards and 3 zerker wars – it works as long as the NPC dies first, but will not work after a wipe. Second way – running clock or counter clock and dodging on animation – it can always work but you will need to clear the adds on fail (usually you fail with not many spiders). Third way (will probably be nerfed but still doable) – getting a ranger, or two, or three to 1600+ range the boss – 1500 range trait + peircing can give you upwards of 1700 total range, need at least 2 front liners (preferably guards) who “tank” the aggro of the tree, they will be in the range of the tree’s spider spawn ranged attack, and they will be the ones dodging, the rangers are out of range of the spawn attack but will still get hit by massive range from time to time.

Commander Vox Shatterfall / Ward Zabach / Ifrit the Immolated
Angry Intent | Multiple Servers
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Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Ampharius.8012


Anyone from Arena Net has anything to say about this? I kinda feel ignored…

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Xyonon.3987


CoF p3 hard? Have I missed something? o.O

btt: fw/up is definitly hard, but I like it mroe than a boss like in up… I don’t like brain afk killing :/

It is very possible to do. There is still the limit of spiders on the field. If you dodge the spawn they become too many to respawn. Many players don’t know how it works, so lemme explain

1. Simply pull some spiders, kill them, do it again, up to the moment when there are no more spiders between you (at entrance) and the boss.
2. (also during 1. !) Dodge his AoE. He sometimes shakes his body, then eggs will fall down at you, causing damage, vulnerability and spawning spiders. If you dodge, they won’t spawn next to you. So they spawn somewhere around the boss. If you do this multiple time, while doing 1. you will be able to get to the limit where no spiders spawn anymore, not even when hit by the AoE.
3. Now this is the unfair part, since this way is just another dungeon exploit. You need a ranger or an engineer, maybe mesmer works too. ranger and engineer have 1500 range and mesmer GS bugs around and gets more than 1200 range somehow :P → you won’t pull aggro (not sure about mesmer). If you do it right, you can push the spiders so far back, that you even can attack at 1200 range.

I wish they would make the spiders less, and weaker, but unavoidable. I wan’t a FIGHT, not some exploid kitten … again

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Up. Anet, where are you?

Twilight Arbor Path Forward Up

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Posted by: Kyven.7514



Third way (will probably be nerfed but still doable) – getting a ranger, or two, or three to 1600+ range the boss – 1500 range trait + peircing can give you upwards of 1700 total range, need at least 2 front liners (preferably guards) who “tank” the aggro of the tree, they will be in the range of the tree’s spider spawn ranged attack, and they will be the ones dodging, the rangers are out of range of the spawn attack but will still get hit by massive range from time to time.

Can confirm this way works. 2 rangers, 1 longbow warrior, 2 guardians. Stand in entrance way, there’s some branches on the right side that stick out a little bit that mark where you should stand. The rangers and I (the warrior) all traited for longer range. I used warbanner and shouts to buff us with might and fury as we shot the tree down; guardians used staff and shouts for extra might. The guardians nuked the spiders that came near us. However, we had next to no spiders near us until the very end because A. we made sure Morrigu was dead, and B. the tree telegraphed his shaking very well. Watch for him to pound ground with fist then wait 2 seconds and dodge to left or right. Bring condi removal as if you don’t dodge you get insta 25 stacks of vulnerability on you. It took about 10 minutes to kill the tree but it worked very well and I was happy as a clam since I needed to finish the path.

But yet. The fact that in order to proceed with the path the NPC MUST be dead is broken. I also agree that the spiders refusing to despawn is also very much broken.

Lareswen-Human Warrior/Zinnia Epsilon-Asura Mesmer
The Tyrian Institute (TI)
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