UI Bug - Guild screen not showing

UI Bug - Guild screen not showing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kat.9517


My game is showing that I am not in a guild. Sometimes this can be resolved by restarting the game. It happens to all my characters regardless of which part of the map I log into. This has been happening for the last two weeks
Please help – is doing my head in.

UI Bug - Guild screen not showing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kheldorn.5123


The same happens to me.
Guild rooster is empty while I’m representing my guild. When trying to write anything via guild chat, game responses I’m not in a guild. My friend list always says everyone is offline which is not correct. This is very very annoying bug and seems nothing changed since Monday.

UI Bug - Guild screen not showing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: moa.1234


Same for me. Client restarts did not help.

(edited by moa.1234)