UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wascalflat.6075


I started a new character and after reaching level 5 my character’s weapon skills had only learned the first 3 skills. Skill slots 4 and 5 are blank and appear to be separated between the 3d and 4th slot. I have tried re-logging in an attempt to reset the UI without success. I even tried deleting the character and starting anew but that too was unsuccessful. I have 2 other characters and they both are working as intended.

Any help would be appreciated.

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Novos Phantos.2408

Novos Phantos.2408

I know this is silly to ask but need to confirm you are using either a 2 handed weapon or a main hand and off hand, not just a main hand weapon

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wascalflat.6075


I was using an axe in the main hand. Why is this important?

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


And are you using anything in offhand?

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaWolv.8503


How can the other characters work “as intented” Does any class start off with a 2-hander?
I think you just forgot to equip an offhand ^^

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Novos Phantos.2408

Novos Phantos.2408

This is important because your first 3 skills are decided by your main hand weapon and last 2 (your 4 and 5 slot skills) are decided by what you have equipped in your off hand. So if for example there is nothing in your off hand, no skills would appear and this would answer your quandary, but, if you do have an item equipped then there is an issue.

UI Bug-Weapon skills 4 & 5 never show up

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wascalflat.6075


Thanks guys. Got it figured out. I know it’s a short drive but it was driving me crazy. I appreciate the help.