Unable to Connect With Party

Unable to Connect With Party

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mnguyen.5142


Happens frequently when a party member joins a dungeon (others get prompted to join in) and at least one member either can’t join entirely, or is placed in an entirely different instance and is not able to connect with the party’s world. Relogging does not fix the problem nor does kicking/reinviting.

Other times occur when the mini map says your party member is right next to you (blue dot) but in reality he is not. “Join in ________” seems like it works as the game “transfers” you to your party’s world/overflow, but does not fix the problem – blue dot, no one there. Other times the “join in” option isn’t even available.

Last but not least, party member shows up (blue dot) on the map and is moving but soon disappears. Also, on the map, you can see him, then everything vanishes when he gets out of your line of sight. I don’t know if it’s just me or the game.

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire