Unable to Craft Power/Vitality/Toughness Armor
Is this a bug that makes you unable to craft then or is it just that you have not found out how to do it?
The recipes for the armors you talk about have to be discovered by combining different pre-crafted parts.
If the recipe exists, I’m confident I would have figured it out by now. However, if I simply haven’t discovered it, that may be the avenue of issue.
I’m a level 400 leathercrafter who has tried many things, and asked several other max-level armorcrafters. “Doesn’t exist” is what I keep getting. And FYI, you don’t make insignias (the thing that determines the armor’s stats) by combining other crafted components, it’s (at least for exotic): 5 level 400 crafting mats, 5 globs of ecto, 20 gossamer strings (or whatever it is), and.. something else I’m probably forgetting off the top of my head.