Unable to apply three specific colors to Human T3 light armor pants

Unable to apply three specific colors to Human T3 light armor pants

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Plyturon.5301


After buying my human T3 cultural light armor pants, I attempted to remove the colors of it. IIRC, the colors were not removed but instead, in the hero panel, the piece was colored in Scarlet (top slot), Apricot (Left bottom) and Lemonade. However, at that time I didn’t even have Scarlet Dye or Lemonade Dye, just Apricot Dye.

At first I thought this was due to me not having two of those three colors, so I bought them on the trading post.

Now, if I apply those three colors (Scarlet, Apricot, Lemonade) in the order I mentioned above, they won’t show up on my actual in-game character but only in the hero menu. I attached a screenshot of this issue. If I apply those colors in a different order, it works fine. It’s only this specific color combination that won’t show up on my pants.


Menelya [Mya] @ Miller’s Sound

Unable to apply three specific colors to Human T3 light armor pants

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hrist.8972


I think this is a bug with all the cultural armors (at least). I have T3 Human Heavy armor and I cannot get the default colors on it by either using Remove Dye or actually applying the colors themselves from the palette, it always defaults to something else.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Unable to apply three specific colors to Human T3 light armor pants

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cisza.9540


I have same problem with TA heavy armor (cannot apply Black Dye to some pieces), made a thread about 2 weeks ago, still no response. I think all high-end armors suffer from this issue.