Unable to get Tiptoe SAB W2 achiev

Unable to get Tiptoe SAB W2 achiev

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mXz.4512


Hello, there’s a topic that addresses this same problem, but it’s from 3 years ago and I’m having the same problem. I’m playing on infantile, and skipping the hillbillies but I’m still unable to get the achievement for this.

I saw there may have been a solution in that 3 year old topic, but the link looks like it’s been deleted.

Is there any way to get this? I only need 11 more to finish this W2 sab meta.
Thanks in advanced for any help on this.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Unable to get Tiptoe SAB W2 achiev

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mXz.4512



I figured out how to get it. It took a little playing around and reading around online, but found out what to do. This can either be deleted or marked as resolved.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Unable to get Tiptoe SAB W2 achiev

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You might consider sharing your solution so others can benefit.

Good luck.