Unable to logon with beta character
same thing here.
Same is happening to me as well now
Edit: At 8:12 was finally able to log back in
Edit2: All progress was reset on my demo character
(edited by Orirn.9605)
Getting the same message
Yep, i’m encountering the same issue, after I push ok the game auto-closes and sends me back to the launcher as well.
Having this problem as well after the latest build.
Same. I hope they address this soon.
Yeah, the gear I had for my character is gone too, did they do a rollback?
Same thing around 8pm EsT
I’ve been getting this problem. I finished the story part of the demo, and when I was exiting into the Crystal Desert, it gave me the error message that OP has.
Having the same problem
oh good thought it was just me, just started happening for me. On the character select screen looks like the chars have reverted back to the original too – the armor and face changes are gone
Here’s a “Me too” post!
I have the same issue atm
me as well. was playing fine , did a log out as game messagtes said i needed another update. upon logging back in – i have an almost complete rollback. l am on the ground in the city rather than on the ship ( but that was how it was earlier- as I fell, and died, while exploring the ship) .
Same issues here. Was playing just fine this morning, got through the story bit, started exploring, but then went to take a break for a bit. Came back to my character being completely reset, but not before I had an initial error stating there were no demo events happening.
I mean, I know they have that message at the top of the screen that says demo character progress won’t be saved, but I’m not sure they meant to take it to this extreme …
Also surprised that they don’t seem to have an official forum topic for demo bug reports? :/
I would like to add that all of my progress has also been undone.
I was finally able to logon with the beta character, but similar to what others have observed, all progress was reset.