Unable to select custom sound device
yes, they are gone
very bad for players who often switch between speakers at sound card and usb-headphones
I have the same problem. The default device is now locked to my headphone. no options to switch
This problem has been fixed in the newest update. Great! Many thanks.
@yontory: you may have missed a Windows feature with the sound system to get the game sound through your speakers and voip software through the headphones. In Windows, you can declare one sound output device as “standard device”, and one other as “standard communication device”.
Declare your speakers as standard device and your headpone as standard communication device. Voip software will automatically choose the standard communication device for output (if it is plugged in) and everything else will use the standard device.
It seems that in your case you set the headphone as standard device, so everything goes through it as long as it is plugged in.
(edited by Silmar Alech.4305)