Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: Coolgate.2098


Finally after I became lvl 80 I was trying to use grandmaster’s training manual but it won’t work!! When I double click it. Nothing happens! Can somebody please help me I already spent lots of golds on it.

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

Have you used both of the lower level manuals? You can’t skip straight to the L80 manual if you haven’t used the L60 one.

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: killcannon.2576


There is no level 80 training manual…. one at 20, 40, and 60…..uh yeah.

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: drake.2135


There is no level 80 training manual…. one at 20, 40, and 60…..uh yeah.

I consider that a troll :P
Though, you are correct.

“The beginning is the beginning. The end is also the beginning.”
~Drake from Blackgate

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Um, It’s 11, 40 and 60 isn’t it?

Don’t understand why I can’t just wait and get the one Grandmaster book, I’ve put in the extra effort to play to that point without them, geez. It’s not like no one is going to buy them, I think most people still would, just to have the traits as they go (since you can’t use it till 60 anyway). I myself thought I’d save a bit of money and skip the 2nd tier book, so I leveled to 80 on just the first tier, bought my Grandmaster book…..and then thought it was broken because it wouldn’t work.

Finding out it wasn’t broken just made it worse. All that effort, wasted by a mechanic that you aren’t told is there. It doesn’t even tell you when you try to use the Grandmaster book, just nothing happens.

I’d appreciate it if they removed the requirement to use the earlier books for the determinedly frugal among us(10s isn’t that much no, but 1g per toon adds up), but at the very least the books should specify that the earlier ones need to be unlocked first.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: mapokl.3167


Um, It’s 11, 40 and 60 isn’t it?

Don’t understand why I can’t just wait and get the one Grandmaster book, I’ve put in the extra effort to play to that point without them, geez.

It’s your choice. Next time sb decide to run to lvl 80 naked and without spending singe skill point and start demanding free legendary.

What’s more wasted is waiting to lvl80 to buy that book, when you could buy and try using it on lvl60. At least you could save the time and efford spend on the last 20 lvls.

Basically, you done sth unnecessary, counter-productive and demand reward for it. And why should it be rewarded?

In the time you wasted by leveling with only few traits you would get a lot more gold then these 1g you wanted to save.

Ps. Sometimes there is a chance to buy traits book cheaper on TP. I know some people who bought 8 grandmaster books thinking, there are necessary for resetting traits in PvE, and wanted to stock them

(edited by mapokl.3167)

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

am i missing a trick, i didn’t think there was an 80 manual

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: Nike.2631


Have you used both of the lower level manuals? You can’t skip straight to the L80 manual if you haven’t used the L60 one.

Recognizing you meant L60 and L40, respectively, I have to mention I’m not the only one who tried to save a gold by toughing it out with 10 points in each path until reaching 60 and discovering that the L40 is a prerequisite for the L60’s use. I hear the question regularly in chat.

Surely there is room in the description of these items to make that tiered dependency relationship appearant way back when we look at them for the first time around L10?

Either as a bright red “Prerequisite: Maunal X” or a blue bit of flavore text say “You must have read the Master volume before you can comprehend this knowlege” or something similar that spells it out in no uncertain terms.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: Calia.1348


Um, It’s 11, 40 and 60 isn’t it?

Don’t understand why I can’t just wait and get the one Grandmaster book, I’ve put in the extra effort to play to that point without them, geez. It’s not like no one is going to buy them, I think most people still would, just to have the traits as they go (since you can’t use it till 60 anyway). I myself thought I’d save a bit of money and skip the 2nd tier book, so I leveled to 80 on just the first tier, bought my Grandmaster book…..and then thought it was broken because it wouldn’t work.

Finding out it wasn’t broken just made it worse. All that effort, wasted by a mechanic that you aren’t told is there. It doesn’t even tell you when you try to use the Grandmaster book, just nothing happens.

I’d appreciate it if they removed the requirement to use the earlier books for the determinedly frugal among us(10s isn’t that much no, but 1g per toon adds up), but at the very least the books should specify that the earlier ones need to be unlocked first.

Goldsink. This game is full of things that make you poor. This is one of the most effective i think.

Unconsumable grandmaster's training manual

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Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


“It’s your choice. Next time sb decide to run to lvl 80 naked and without spending singe skill point and start demanding free legendary.”

There’s a small difference between asking to not have to spend 1 gold, and asking for something that costs 1000g+

“Basically, you done sth unnecessary, counter-productive and demand reward for it. And why should it be rewarded?”

No, no, I’m not demanding a reward for doing it. But think about this, when I wear MF gear I trade another stat for the MF points, thus trading stats for better luck.
I am in essence making things harder for myself in trade for better rewards (in theory).
See the similarity?
And the only “reward” here was being frugal with my money and trying to save 1 gold (per character) that would go towards getting them gear when they reached 80.
So to me it seemed perfectly logical I’d be able to do this. But this is getting off topic, sorry.

“Goldsink. This game is full of things that make you poor. This is one of the most effective i think.”

Haha, ain’t that the truth. Across 8 toons it’ll be 24g minus a little if I can get some on the TP.

Edit: I can accept that the way it is is the way it is, but I’d agree adding something like “Requires Master traits unlocked” would be really helpful (for all the people like me who consider doing this in the future)

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

(edited by ScribeTheMad.7614)