Underwater Lick Wounds still bugged?
This is not a bug and I think this belongs on the WvW discussion thread.
Lick wounds is working as designed, but you are claiming it is overpowerd in the current state. Same goes for sirens call and mind blast.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
So it’s not a bug that the pet is still healing the Ranger after I have killed it? Genuine question there as to whether or not that’s a viable counter.
And if it is intended that a Ranger can completely out heal an attacker when downed, then yes it is very much OP, as is the crazy stacking potential of Siren’s call and Mind blast.
I’m happy for this to be moved over to the WvW forum if need be.
It’s a bug. Even us Rangers have asked for this to be fixed…as far back as November of last year. Apparently it’s not high priority.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Good to know. I shall add “never engage Rangers underwater” to my list of things to never do in WvW along with “never engage Eles near keep/tower portals (immobilise be kitten ed)” and “never try to catch those Warriors” ;-)