Unread Chat Notifications Bug?

Unread Chat Notifications Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KairosDialga.1782


I couldn’t find any topic about this, but this is a longtime bug that has been happening on my end and anything that I do does not fix it. (I haven’t found anyone else with the said problem at all either)

When one has the chat window in separate ‘tabs’, they don’t light up as red like they used to when there is an unread chat message. I have it seperated into 3 tabs. But when I have my tab showing the ‘World’ tab (which shows just Map and Say), then any new messages in the ‘Guild’ tab (just guild messages) and ‘Private’ tab (Whispers and Party chat) won’t give me a notifications when there is a new message.

But when I have the tab open in, let’s say guild and there is a new message in guild at during the time I have it open. Then the ‘World’ tab will light up like there is a new message even though there really isn’t a new message in that tab. Same happens with the ‘Private’ tab as well in which any new messages when I have that tab open makes the ‘World’ tab flash, but if I don’t have that tab open it won’t show me any new messages.

This glitch started when we got the buggy March patch, and haven’t found anyone at all in all of my searches having this same problem at all.

(edited by KairosDialga.1782)

Unread Chat Notifications Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

There have been multiple threads about this issue in the last month or so. You can find them using Google (Guild Wars 2 Forum) search, if you so desire.

Good luck.

Unread Chat Notifications Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nakatsu Hime.3520

Nakatsu Hime.3520

I’ve noticed it. Anyone know if it’s in GW2’s buglisting?

Unread Chat Notifications Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Donari.5237


I have the opposite issue. I can’t pin down what triggers it, but occasionally my Main chat window tab stays red no matter what (I think logging out cures it, but no clicking around my tabs during a play session works, even when moving to a new map). It happens when I’m mostly in my Map Chat tab while running around in SW or doing daily events.