Very big Eternity Bug.

Very big Eternity Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Ok so after a year of playing this game I have just finished crafting Eternity the legendary great sword and I am very upset to find it is missing effects. Yes this is after its visual update as well. there are two very key effects I found both creative and awesome with the Sunrise and Twilight great swords that have been taken away from Eternity..

1.) With Sunrise and twilight, when you unsheathe the weapons, there is a burst aura effect that resonates off your character that looks incredible. disappointingly, this no longer happens when I unsheathe Eternity in its day or night mode.

2.) As a guardian, when I used the skill whirling wrath with Sunrise or Twilight, the normal blue bolts that flew out of my character were replaced by golden bolts that matched the blade of Sunrise or black bolts that matched the blade of Twilight. The guardian skill Pull also shot out mini sunrises / twilight’s that replaced the normal little blue swords that fire out just before using binding blade. Neither of these effects happen anymore with Eternity in its day or night mode.

Please Anet fix these problems as this sword took blood sweat and tears to was a long struggle and it feels completely unfair that 2 of my favorite effects from my sunrise and twilight are taken away from crafting this supposedly more epic sword…
I don’t feel this is a very well known bug as I am sure not allot of people have eternity..but I am a very artistic and detailed person and i noticed these effects were missing as soon as I crafted the weapon..please Bump this post so that Anet can fix it asap I appreciate all you who took the time to read.

P.S. I have some suggestions to Anet on Eternity as well. I really Like the new footfall effect and can’t help but cool would that look as Eternity’s blade as well? I mean why not it would make it its own original weapon, then just change the Hilt of the sword so that the bottom wings are demon wings and the top wings angel wings like the little thumbnail Icon indicates. Though these are just suggestions I think it would be very cool and make eternity Owners feel more original and rewarded for all the hard work.

Very big Eternity Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syphirr.3512


There might be some problems Anet has run into with regards to all of these issues. It might well be that they haven’t found a way to program the weapon to have both sunrise’s and twilight’s effects, so we just have the default ones instead. This also explains the lack of footsteps in the first place, lack of burst effect when drawing it, and the completely new footsteps the weapon has as a sort of compromise rather than day/night cycle footsteps.

If this is the case, I don’t see a solution other than following what they’ve already done with the footsteps and adding new, unique effects to the projectiles where the two other weapons used to have them. I completely agree that it’s pretty unacceptable to effectively have a downgrade for doubling your effort.

This really needs a fix.

Very big Eternity Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KAJIMARU.3108


I also crafted Eternity and it sucks the lack of effects that Sunrise/Twilight have, wish ANET would put more effort into details like this.