Very serious camera issue with tall chars
I’ve had some similar issues. My Charr Ranger is actually along the smaller side, for males, but I still often run into issues with jumping puzzles in caverns or other areas with multiple props, low ceilings, or tight walls.
I’m not sure precisely what ArenaNet’s preferred solution would be, but it seems to me that the easiest solutions would either be to make any obstacle between the camera and the character invisible (such that the camera could clip through walls, allowing us to maintain our field of view) or, perhaps simpler still, to allow us to swap to a first-person perspective (which isn’t ideal for these puzzles, but is vastly superior to the horrible camera collision issues large characters and encountering at the moment). Just a thought, though.
My character is human, she was created at the shortest height. I also have a lot of issues with not being able to see where I am trying to jump on the puzzles. I agree that it is highly frustrating to try and blindly go thru what is already a difficult challenge.
I have a male norn largest size, I find the camera on jumping puzzles absolutley appaling, i figured they kept it to make them harder?
Tis only what you can do for all
What’s bizarre is they allow first person camera in Guild Wars 1. It’s less than ideal for general play, but allows you to do things like screenshots far more readily.
It’d take a few minutes of effort to patch in, I truly don’t understand why they’d rather punish players. I get a blinding headache when the camera goes into yoyoing, nevermind getting dizzy and sick from it sticking and doing random things while moving around.
I’m happy to see that i’m not the only one who has this problem.
This means maybe we can catch the dev team’s attention and maybe there will be a fix.