"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: xarallei.4279


This happened to me. I jumped in to help someone who was doing the personal story Arah and no one could use the cannons. So it’s pretty much undoable now.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: DelusionsOfGrandeur.9287


Same here. Cannons won’t work in Arah. =(

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Miracle.1365


Same here.

First time, couldn’t interact with cannos.
Second time, giants doing nothing.

Anet… COME ON! fast..

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Guy Bigsock.2136

Guy Bigsock.2136

Same here.
Please fix it quickly Arenanet

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: odanu.3409


Having the same issue. Attempted twice.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: somb.7436


Same here. How can this not be fixed after several days?

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: RomanSoldier.2781


Having the same issue on my Char Ranger. I hope they fix it soon.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Rhotsbin.8579


Add +1 to those impacted by this…

Ascending gear. Descending game.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: belacqua.7496


I’ve been having the same problem.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Tonari.7602


Also having the same problem, very frustrating.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Tonari.7602


Some more communication about whether the bug will be fixed soon would be nice….

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Jasmine port.6572

Jasmine port.6572

Tried it today and its still bugged

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672


They’re currently discussing whether or not it’s a problem.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Lady Jade.7309

Lady Jade.7309

Ditto, its really annoying, especially after going through the first part of the quest and then not being able to do anything :/

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Wolly Wakka.3408

Wolly Wakka.3408

Has happened to me too. Tried twice but the cannons still won’t work. ArenaNet please fix it. I really want to finish my story mission.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: DragonSnidget.6354


Just on this part now and had the same issue

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: aGenda.2358


Stuck on this as well. Does anyone know if you keep re-trying will it eventually work? I can’t interact with the cannons at all.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: DelusionsOfGrandeur.9287


Same for me as well.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Balrog.1247


I tried this 4 times today, with and without a group. VERY annoying that I cannot do the personal storyline.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Dozibiron.7185


This is my first time play GW2. Also,it is my first character get lv.80. I had a same problem about cannons can not use on Victory or Death’s storyline.

(edited by Dozibiron.7185)

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Fang.9376


This is happening to me as well. Looks like the cannons are bugged?

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: PaulMassaro.2860


This is my first time play GW2. Also,it is my first character get lv.80. I had a same problem about canon can not use on Victory or Death’s storyline.

same here. disappointing to say the very least. Anet must be more preoccupied with counting their money from pre-orders rather than fixing their existing game.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: reapex.8546


Guildies also reported they cannot continue Victory or Death due to the cannon bug at the beginning.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: NongMEE.7965


once i get on the boat i can not use anvil for repair or the cannon to continue on the quest

please help >.>

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: tiak.6047


same here this is really, really annoying

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: BadBrain.2195


Still broken, tried 3 times :<

Diabolololololo :)

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: HobnobRob.8456


I just went through this mission again to see if it’s still a problem… Yep! Still stuck on my first playthrough of the main story due to not being able to interact with the cannons. Should be a priority fix imo.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Susan Michael.9236

Susan Michael.9236

Please fix this Arena Net.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: AaronWinterhalter.9425


Same issue for me, I can not interact with the Cannons on the Ship. I hope they fix this soon, they have been “working” on the Hall of Monument bug for what 6 months?:

Undead Aaron || 92% sPvP necromancer || Fort Aspenwood

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Zoef.2761


Guess what? Victory and death is still bugged.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: MidgetBeaver.7935


Hello Guild Wars 2 forum and Arena.net

Today (02/08/2015) me and a few of my guild members wanted to go through Arah Story mode to finish my personal story. I have a lvl 80 Charr Warrior, my first and only character, but all of my party members were experienced players, all on lvl 80 characters. We knew that there were a few well-known bugs in this instance, like the one with the Chopper not moving and blocking progress. But when we went through the first part of the instance and arrived at the airship, things got buggy.

For example:

  • The repair anvil on the airship was not usable (could’nt interact)
  • When a necromancer in my party attempted to use Well of Blood or other wells, the skills went on cooldown but no effect was visible. No graphic/animation of the well on the terrain, no damage, nothing at all.
  • The turrets, which the party is supposed to use to deflect the giant attacks, were not interactable. On mouse over, a cog instead of the mouse cursor appears and the turret lights up, as if it was an interactable asset.

This is mostly all that we observed while in the instance. We did try a few things to fix it, but none of them worked.

We tried:

  • Reloging everyone
  • Opening the instance again via a diffrent party member
  • Restarting the whole instance multiple times

Thank you for reading, hope this gets fixed soon.


"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: HobnobRob.8456


Agreed there were problems throughout the story, like dying at the wrong time made it so your group would vanish, making some tougher enemies impossible to kill, but you could restart the level to fix that. Victory or Death however, is completely broken.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: jciardha.1936


I completed the solo player instance about two days after it was first added to the game. There were no problems then with the giants, so apparently this is a recent development.

(Somewhat related, I’ve started calling this the “Play and Pray” story instance, because if you get a Err 7 during this as a solo player, you’re screwed and have to start this again all the way from the top. Guess who got disconnected during the anti-climatic Zhaitan fight the first time around?)

Keeper of Buns of Men, a GW2 Tumblr Blog.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: saintawesome.5678


I was very disappointed to finally get to the final part of the story with my first character and discover it is bugged with no ETA as to a fix. Of course, the entire personal story has been a little buggy since they re-did it, as half the time I have no spoken dialogue, just subtitles. On one memorable occasion, the characters didn’t even render during dialogue, meaning I had no spoken dialogue AND no visual component, either.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Thomas.9670


I was very disappointed to finally get to the final part of the story with my first character and discover it is bugged with no ETA as to a fix. Of course, the entire personal story has been a little buggy since they re-did it, as half the time I have no spoken dialogue, just subtitles. On one memorable occasion, the characters didn’t even render during dialogue, meaning I had no spoken dialogue AND no visual component, either.

Same here! I was freaking frustrating after experiencing this. It ruins everything. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Thomas.9670


Forwarded this issue directly to the support agents.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Thomas.9670


Just attaching my picture too. I also found out that the NPCs are inactive and invisible.


"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Thomas.9670


“Regarding the Victory or Death turret bug: we investigated the issue and have a couple of folks working on fixes for it. I’ll post an update when I have more info.” -Bobby Stein

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: ctubio.4380


I can confirm the turret bug as well. I tried to relog in and retry it but the turrets are not interactable despite the cog cursor popping up (grey)

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Tessa.7325


Same problem. Please find way to fix it, it drives me crazy.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: mairtin.6703


Ok tried this on two seperate characters now and both bugged. Have already done it since the change on another.

This needs to get fixed soon – i am relying on the rewards to upgrade my guild bank, and also so i can use the tomes of mentorship on more than a key toon

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Melkor Darkstar.5328

Melkor Darkstar.5328

Add another to this bug experience.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: elwook.4108


Add a third person to this issue… or 100th, but the bug is real.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Superb.3286


Doesn’t work for me either. I tried today with a few guild members, and then tried solo, still cannot interact with cannons. Progress stuck. Please fix!

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Morv.9837


Chalk up one more for hitting this bug. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: katze.6290


It’s been at least 4 days since this has been reported. I am surprised that we haven’t even had any updates on it. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: SagazCFRJ.6415


Already have several days this problem.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Ragdoll.1429


yep. Me too. completely dead on the airship. Even tried to commit “suicide” by jumping off the boat to see if the NPC’s would move. I came back to the ship and got a sympathy rez from Zolja….but no cannons, no giants, no progress. Tried to re-log and do it again; same issue. Oddly or not, when I re-logged, I came back dead; similar to when you re-log between fractals. Looks like this issue has been in the que for awhile. Hope we get it fixed up soon.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: SpecOps.1873


Having this problem as well. ANet plserino fixerino.

"Victory or Death" Bug [merged]

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Posted by: Thomas.9670


It’s been at least 4 days since this has been reported. I am surprised that we haven’t even had any updates on it. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

No ETA at the moment, but reasearching is finished and they are working on these issues.

Also I have contacted them on email:
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for contacting our team about a game issue that you experienced. The Guild Wars 2 Development Team is aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it. Please keep an eye on the official forums for any future updates and announcements regarding Guild Wars 2. You can reach the forums via this link: http://forum.guildwars2.com
By the way, please submit an in-game bug report. This will send detailed information about your character and your position directly to our Quality Assurance Team and will help us kitten the issue as promptly as possible. To submit a bug report in the game, simply click on the “Game Menu” button in the upper left-hand corner of the game interface, then choose the “Support” option on the Game Menu.
Thank you again for taking the time to let us know about this issue.
GM Dino
Guild Wars 2 Support Team