(edited by Galactimus.1957)
Video: "Extended Potion of Ghost Slaying" Bug
bumping your post, only i bought mine from BLTC and had the same result as you.
any official word on this Anet I also notice the that this undead version use a charged loadstone compare to the orginal which uses a pile of putrid essense.
Just adding my voice to this post. I worked darn hard on getting those tears! I’m exceptionally upset that I didnt get what I paid for! Is there any response on this from Anet?
I would also like to either get my potion or my tears back.
And yes, the irony of tears for the theft of tears does not escape me
bump, any news on this.
More importantly, does anyone know if the “Recipe: extended potion of undead slaying” will teach ‘Extended potion of ghost slaying’? (i.e. is the “Recipe: extended potion of ghost slaying” the only bugged item or has these two recipe results somehow been ‘swapped’).
I don’t want to waste 400 arah dungeon tokens to try this… I really want to be able to make the ghost slaying potion =(