Vision of the mists...

Vision of the mists...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zypher.6379


with the new patch, i cant see the glow i usually do when my sword is unsheathed. If this was meant to happen it is so not fair cuz the whole reason i spent 200 gold on this sword was solely cuz of the glow… plz fix this bug, i really want that glow on my back, it just puts together my look :S i dont no if u all feel the same cuz i no lots of ppl that haave this sword and they have it only cuz of its glow. Looks really ugly now on my back

Vision of the mists...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cerealbawkz.7164


PLEASE i beg of you to fix these weapons! Not only Vision of the mist was changed. My pistol ilya and sword whisperblade both no longer show the glow or trail that goes with it while stowed. I hope this was not on purpose because if it is i wasted hundreds of gold!

(edited by Cerealbawkz.7164)

Vision of the mists...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sous.5164


Vision of the mists...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zypher.6379
