WAR,Great Fortitude ignores Armored Attack

WAR,Great Fortitude ignores Armored Attack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: norrsen.6713


The trait “Great Fortitude” does not take into account the bonus of power from “Armored Attack”.

Great Fortitude, Power converted to Vitality: 7%
Armored Attack, Toughness converted to Power: 10%

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start with an hero without traits and gears. Power, thoughness, vitality at 916.
  2. Add 25 traits points into Defense (without adding any major trait skill to avoid any impact). This will increase thougness by: 250 + 100 (Thick Skin) = 350.
  3. Vitality: 916, Thoughness: 916 + 350 = 1266, Power: 916 + (1266*0.1) = 1042.6 ~= 1043
  4. Add 10 trait points into Strength with major trait skill III (Great Fortitude). This will increase power by: 100.

Actual Results:

  • Power: 1043 + 100 = 1143, Thoughness: 1266,
  • PFG (Power in Great Fortitude): 916+100 = 1016
  • Vitality: 916 + (PFG*0.07) = 987.12 ~= 987

Expected Results:

  • Power: 1043 + 100 = 1143, Thoughness: 1266,
  • PFG (Power in Great Fortitude): 916+100 + (1266*0.1)= 1143
  • Vitality: 916 + (PFG*0.07) = 996.01 ~= 996

In simple terms: the formula of Great Fortitude is applied against power before the power bonus from Armored Attack is added.

WAR,Great Fortitude ignores Armored Attack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840

Does great fortitude take power from food/oil into consideration?

I assume great fortitude only takes base stats into its calculation and not any traits/buffs. Because imagine having 25 stacks of might, that would increase your health by a TONNE, on top of food/armoured attack etc, it would be huge for a 10 point trait.

I’m thinking its working as intended (base stats only), unless anet confirms it is a bug.