[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407



different to what the description of that elite skill [Battle Standard] is saying, this banner doesn’t revive downed allies at any give time. It just revives downed allies if their down state HP isn’t too low. I’ve seen that if your down state HP is very low and someone places the banner, your down state HP will increase a lot, but it won’t revive you.

Either the description or the behavior isn’t working properly!

In the dungeon we have done yesterday, it was very confusing and annoying when you waste your banner because of that.

Additional to that comes this bug


(edited by Replect.3407)

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


Really no-one cares about what is wrong with that elite? Hmpf…

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twotigers.1936


I care, good to know this before i spend points on it. thanks.

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


Still no changes here when I look in all the patchnotes…

Additional to the above comes the fact that even if the banner doesn’t trigger at all because of interrupting it in any way, it still goes in full cooldown!

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ose.5471


I believe it only revives people in downed state, not completely dead. I havent had the skill long, but when I did use it it never revived a dead person, just a downed person. Think it has always been like this.

edit: taken from wiki= The banner revives from Downed state only, not Defeated state. For friendly NPCs who are capable of being revived, the banner considers Defeated status as Downed status.

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


I wasn’t saying that it should revive dead players, it just doesn’t even revive downed players when their health is low… It just pushes the downed health bar up again, like it gives you a specific amount of health back, but if that health isn’t anothe to completely fill that downed health bar, the player won’t get revived by it…

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

I use it on daily basis, and i have never had problems with the, unless i tried to rez someone that is about to die and i missed him, i sometimes get 2-3 people up, its an amazing skill and depends on the player’s kill (timing, how many peopel to get up)

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


Good for you, really! :-)

But if I have a downed player, his downed HP has just left about 10% (or less), then the banner gets placed, he is in range, his downed HP increased instantly to 90%+ because of the banner, but he doesn’t revive from it, you wan’t to tell me it failed because of my missing player skill? Are you serious?

And just today I experienced the same in PvP… 2 times… Downed ally, battle standard right in this face, no revived ally!

[Warrior Elite] - [Battle Standard] doesn't revive fallen allies with low down state HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Replect.3407


There have been no warrior updates at all since weeks like everything is perfect, hmm…
I mean, I’m not doing something wrong, how could I? There is a downed player, I place the banner easily in range of him and he gets revived… or not, if his downed HP is too low already, he just gets a boost in his downed HP… How could that be my fault? Hmpf…

And what about the thing that your banner gets on full cooldown if you interrupt it with a dodge for example… It’s on full cooldown then, even if you didn’t place it… Sometimes you actually see the animation, but you haven’t placed it and you don’t get any boons or such things, it just is on full cooldown.