Warrior Inconsistencies

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaha.2840


Warrior issues:

1. The quickness boon halves the distance of every mobility skill – This is far more detrimental than any condition like cripple and chill. Savage Leap, Earthshaker, Rush, Whirlwind, Seismic Leap, Dash, Bull’s Charge, Shield Bash, and Eviscerate are all halved. That’s 9 skills. If you’re familiar with warrior play, then you know that that’s HUGE. Mobility is far too important for a warrior to be hindered by something considered a “boon”. Add cripple or chill on top of quickness and you have a warrior that’s going nowhere. This has just recently become a major issue with the introduction of the new Heightened Focus trait which grants 4 seconds of quickness when striking a target below 50% health.

2. Rush misses 90% of the time on moving targets – I’m not exaggerating. 90. Percent. Of the time. I know that there have been efforts to resolve the issue with Rush by extending the distance of the attack animation, but that is not where the problem lies. The problem is that the final attack animation comes to a complete stop before delivering damage. Savage Leap does not suffer from this because the damage of Savage Leap is delivered slightly before the mobility animation is finished. PLEASE MAKE RUSH DO THIS.

3. Earthshaker misses targets that are vertically lower or higher than the warrior – Example: if I’m trying to Earthshaker someone who I’m chasing down a hill, Earthshaker completely misses the area which I have targeted, because it is lower in altitude than the area which I was standing when I executed the attack. This has been an issue since the beginning of gw2, and I’m extremely confused why it hasn’t yet been resolved. Is it impossible to extend the vertical hit box to the effected radius?

As a competitive player I am so frustrated at these inconsistencies. I have missed thousands of player kills because of them.

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Death Stroke.9875

Death Stroke.9875

there seems to be multiple skills in multiple classes affected by the quickness bug and during the betas slowness seemed to have the inverse effect causing some movement skills to move much further than inteded

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

there seems to be multiple skills in multiple classes affected by the quickness bug and during the betas slowness seemed to have the inverse effect causing some movement skills to move much further than inteded

This isn’t a bug, it’s doing exactly what it’s intended to be doing which is halving the cast time of the skill. This consequently results in lower evade frames for skills with evades, lower block duration from skills that block, and lower distance traveled from skills that change position. At the same time, this also makes the damage applied from skills faster.

Everything having to do with your weapon skills and utilities is 50% faster. That’s what it’s intended to do.

What you should be saying is that it’s an irritating oversight that it alters the secondary effects of some skills to make them more difficult to make use of.

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shala.8352


there seems to be multiple skills in multiple classes affected by the quickness bug and during the betas slowness seemed to have the inverse effect causing some movement skills to move much further than inteded

This isn’t a bug, it’s doing exactly what it’s intended to be doing which is halving the cast time of the skill. This consequently results in lower evade frames for skills with evades, lower block duration from skills that block, and lower distance traveled from skills that change position. At the same time, this also makes the damage applied from skills faster.

Everything having to do with your weapon skills and utilities is 50% faster. That’s what it’s intended to do.

What you should be saying is that it’s an irritating oversight that it alters the secondary effects of some skills to make them more difficult to make use of.

bad statement, mesmer isnt loosing range on GS autoattack or on phantasmal berserker summon while affected by quickness.
This means skills like RUSH and Eviscerate shouldnt lose range whenn affected by quickness.

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jaha.2840


Unless they could code in a way to extend the distance of mobility skills while under the effects of quickness, I would also prefer that quickness entirely ignored mobility skills.

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

bad statement, mesmer isnt loosing range on GS autoattack or on phantasmal berserker summon while affected by quickness.
This means skills like RUSH and Eviscerate shouldnt lose range whenn affected by quickness.

How is my statement bad when it was factually correct? Just because I’m claiming that it’s not a bug doesn’t mean that I’m disagreeing with the OP that it’s irritating for things to be this way.

Mesmer GS autoattack range isn’t even relevant because quickness doesn’t affect attack range, it just affects the speed at which a skill is channeled.

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shala.8352


bad statement, mesmer isnt loosing range on GS autoattack or on phantasmal berserker summon while affected by quickness.
This means skills like RUSH and Eviscerate shouldnt lose range whenn affected by quickness.

How is my statement bad when it was factually correct? Just because I’m claiming that it’s not a bug doesn’t mean that I’m disagreeing with the OP that it’s irritating for things to be this way.

Mesmer GS autoattack range isn’t even relevant because quickness doesn’t affect attack range, it just affects the speed at which a skill is channeled.

“quicknes doesnt affect attack range” yea sure thing you said it, then why my rush and my eviscerate are loosing attack range???? You are answering alone to yourself, is because quickness isnt working as intended on movement skills. SO THIS IS THE BUG WE ARE REPORTING: QUICKNESS RUSH SHOULD BE SAME RANGE OF NORMAL RUSH IN LESS TIME. Not hard to understand that’s how it should be, just compare quickness effect on any other skill and you should be able to get it. Blink loosing range while in quickness boon? NOOOOOOOOPE. Easy comparisons man…

(edited by Shala.8352)

Warrior Inconsistencies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cryorion.9532


If I understand it correctly, quickness speeds up channeling skills by 50%. That means every channeling skill is 50% faster. In case of rush, it is also channeling skill… so it is pretty clear.

Now think about slow condition, which does exactly the opposite. Your rush is 50% slower = you rush further away. And this is bad design. It should be actually other way around… lel.

What I find more irritating thou is Eviscerate being affected by cripple or chill, as it should not be…