Warrior's traits bug

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Bojke.9674


Traits Berserker’s Power (bonus damage for adrenaline) and Heightened Focus (bonus crit chance for adrenaline) are not giving any bonuses no matter the adrenalin level.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: darksabaton.5368


agreed they do not seem to give any effect. not even the stats in hero status window update from it.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Tpek.1809


I can confirm that the Berserker trait does not work for me either.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Straylight.8264


whoa thats really bad if that is the case. 9% crit and 12% dmg is quite a lot of power we are missing for investing those skill points. I was wondering why my character sheet didnt update the extra 9% crit when i was at full adrenaline, always figured it was some hidden buff, same with the 12% extra dmg from berserker’s power.

Please FIX ASAP!

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Loafers.4126


Just going to add that Fast Hands (5-second cooldown on weapon swap) and Forceful Greatsword (gain might on crit with greatsword and spear) are bugged too. Forceful Greatsword trait is not giving might on crits with spear, and Fast Hands is bugged as detailed here.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Straylight.8264


Its unfortunate that these high tier traits in particular are bugged seeing as how they are the most worthwhile of all the traits to slot.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: psilosopher.5807


Going to test these traits with steady weapons on training dummies to confirm that these two traits are not working properly.

edit: The trait Berserker’s Power is working properly.
Without the trait, my Steady Longbow was doing 30 damage per hit with auto attack. With the trait, my damage increased to 31 at one adrenaline bar, 32 at two adrenaline bars, and 33 at full adrenaline, which is consistent with the percentages in the description of the trait.

edit2: The “Heightened Focused” trait is a bit harder to test given the randomness of critical hits. To test this, I hit a dummy 400 times total (200 with the trait and 200 without the trait). My base critical, without the trait, is 4%, meaning I should crit 4 times out of every 100 hits. With the trait, my critical rate goes up to 13%, meaning I should crit 13 times out of every 100 hits.

Without the trait (at a 4% crit rate) I scored a critical hit 6 times out of 200 total hits.
With the trait, (at 13% crit rate) I scored a critical hit 19 times out of 200 total hits.

I’m not using any p-value to test for statistical significance, and obviously this was a very rough experiment, but there is an obvious difference in the number of criticals that I scored with and without the trait.

The problems with these traits are display issues. The traits themselves are working properly, but their bonuses are invisible on your character screen

On an additional note, the “Fast Hands” trait is in fact broken.

Beorn The Berserker
Level 80 Norn Warrior

(edited by psilosopher.5807)

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Malganys.9027


Ye i test today with 0 adrenaline and with full 3 bar and have the exact same damage both average dmg and minimum dmg pls fix tath

P.S: any know if turtle defense work??

(edited by Malganys.9027)

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Shadewarp.6821


I see no changes using heightned focus (+crit) but maybe it is underlying and not showing as percentage on the character sheet?

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: SpecterMAT.7306


Agree. It’s not working.

Warrior's traits bug

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Posted by: Warsoul.2647


Confirmed furious Forceful Greatsword not working on spear criticals