Water of Rhand is Bugged
Do something with that, please
Still bugged out. =_= Cant select the mortar at all. Most annoying.
Can’t interact with the mortar. Very annoyed with this being bugged.
I also cannot interact. Hoping theres someone with a mesmer parked under that area that can portal us in.
Someone on Reddit just posted that to get past the floor while the mortar is bugged, stand on the ice and relog.
Still broken, but the tip about standing on the ice and re-logging works, so you can at least get in.
the mortar still bugged.. ANET please fix this item
the mortar still bugged.. ANET please fix this item
They know about it; they are fixing it. In the meantime, there’s a reliable work-around (covered above).
Water of Rhand is impossible to get due to mortar being bugged and not clickable. Player can not get into the water to gt item. plz fix asap.
Many can not get theur mawdry back item due to this kitten
Water of Rhand is impossible to get due to mortar being bugged and not clickable. Player can not get into the water to gt item. plz fix asap.
Many can not get theur mawdry back item due to this kitten
Please read some of the posts above yours. Water of Rhand is not impossible; there are at least two work-arounds.
- Stand on the ‘floor’ above the water and logout and then back in; your character will be in the water and can proceed as always.
- Get a port to Rhendak’s tomb and work your way backwards.
Of course, ANet should still fix the bug, but in the meantime, anyone who wants to finish crafting Mawdrey has these alternatives.