Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geneaux.9547


I keep getting this strange bug when altering my dye channels on my thief. Its goes like this: after ever attempt to finalize my dye changes, the all of my armor pieces(except the head, shoulders, and arms) take on the color of the last dye I selected, in their entirety. If I close and reopen the hero panel, the preview retains that incorrect appearance, yet the actual change still seems to take and represent itself correctly in the world(I haven’t asked others to confirm this for me). To reset the hero panel’s preview to display correctly, I have to relog(character select screen is fine) or go to a new map. However, the Lion’s Arch was the map I was in when the dye changes were made… I think behaved even stranger when I was in Lion’s Arch with wardrobe skin changes along with dye changes at once; it would always spawn me in Trader’s Forum when attempting to reset that preview, even if I had swapped to a new map before relogging(I did both of these actions at the time because I couldn’t tell what was going on).

In short, a map change or relog will fix the preview, period. But not the ‘cause’ because it will always resurface the bug, or at least in my case. Is this possibly specific to a particular skin(s)? I recently changed my chest, leggings, and boot skins to the strider’s set(chest and leggings) and zodiac set(boots). I’ve kept my head, pauldron, and gauntlet skins. That seems to match up nicely with the bug, visually speaking.

I’ve briefly attempted to reproduce the bug on my warrior main to no avail. I honestly don’t think its class specific, and probably those specific skins. I’m out of transmutation stones now, and I’ve got the appearance I wanted. Somebody else would have to attempt to reproduce the bug if they want to verify my findings.

“Man this jungle in the expansion better look so good it gives me flashbacks to Nam.”
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]

(edited by Geneaux.9547)

Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VitamineCC.9725


same here. hate it. plz fix it

Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geneaux.9547


Anyone else experiencing this bug?

“Man this jungle in the expansion better look so good it gives me flashbacks to Nam.”
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Knights of Ares [ARES]

Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: quacthulhu.2546


Yeah I would get it too. I didn’t have to relog though. I just changed tabs on the Hero window, then went back to Dyes. Or closed & re-opened it. Happened in the PVP lobby btw. Can’t confirm elsewhere.

Character Slot avoided Riot.
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Weird dye channel bug(specifically for Thief)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GTAFan.4907


I am also having this issue, noticed it 2 days ago. It is not only affecting thieves. I have had it happen now on 2 toons, necro and warrior.