Weird lighting bug since last patch

Weird lighting bug since last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esufer.8762


I’ve spotted this at citadel in WvW, and on the south east borderland entrance. Has only been happening since the removal of the Lunar festival, and I’ve not changed any settings on my PC/changed drivers on my graphics card.


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Weird lighting bug since last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gudy.3607


I’ve spotted this at citadel in WvW, and on the south east borderland entrance. Has only been happening since the removal of the Lunar festival, and I’ve not changed any settings on my PC/changed drivers on my graphics card.

The stuff on the walls? That’s been going on since the end of the Wintersday festival, on both the walls and the ground. It may have been fixed intermittently and come back after the Lunar New Year, but all in all this is not a new thing.

Weird lighting bug since last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saucermote.9140


I’m seeing the same thing suddenly after today’s patch. I did a -repair and it didn’t help. I’m glad to see it doesn’t appear to be anything failing on my end. It appears to be only in this one spot so far. Well that and if you turn a bit to the left, the light is flickering near the Guild Registrar high up on the wall.

I’m running a single Nvidia GTX 660 with up to date drivers if it matters for trouble shooting. All other video outs have been disabled in the bios.


You don’t win friends with Salad.

Weird lighting bug since last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


This seems to happen every time after they remove the extra decorations around the citadel WP.

Weird lighting bug since last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voreo Sabrae.5416

Voreo Sabrae.5416

oh oops, didnt see this before posting mine XD
