What happened to the "Did your story skip or change" thread?

What happened to the "Did your story skip or change" thread?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalico.9246


I can still see it here:


but it’s no longer at the top of the forum page. I know the skipping problem was fixed but I have been waiting for over 3 weeks for my storyline that got switched to the wrong line at level 70 and I am seriously considering deleting my level 80 character and leveling again without doing story quests. The main reason I wanted to play this game was for the story but since it’s so buggy there is no point. It effects the items for personal instance and being a little bit pedantic about congruity I cannot have my character with quests that don’t make sense.

What is going on? Is this problem going to be fixed any time soon? Is it even being looked at?