What is going on?

What is going on?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Genna Syde.1673

Genna Syde.1673

I’m not having any major problems with not causing damage or dying too much but I feel the games combat system heavily flawed with the fact we aren’t allowed to know anything about most of our skills or our traits, for example necromancer/blood/vampiric has a description of “Siphon health whenever you hit a foe” but how much health does it siphon? Or hows about necromancer/blood/full of life, 5 seconds of regen but at what speed? or curses/furious demise “gain fury for 5 seconds when entering death shroud” what the hell is fury? what does fury do? and why do I want it? these are just examples their are many more. now on to skills. necro elite transform in to a lich… for 30 seconds…. why? it doesn’t give me any detail on why i want to be a lich. summon 2 hounds balthazar and what do they do then? With the way the whole stat system is set up its impossible to know if you have the effect you were hoping for. my critical chance is currently 26% and critical damage is listed as 7, is that just 7 damage? is that normal damage +7 is it normal damage x7. x7 seems a little much but +7 seems small and I really hope critical hits don’t do a total of 7 and forget my normal damage as that is how it is written. I think the fail is down to the fact you all played it in house too much, you all had testing sessions whenever skills were revised and this lead to them doing what you wanted and you knowing what they did so you totally forgot you may need to explain it to the people you are selling it to, for money.

Just to put this in perspective if I went to a car dealer and asked him to tell me what the litre engine the car had and he said “engine make car move” thats kind of what you have done with Guild Wars 2 skills

What is going on?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Yeah, I experienced the lack of description, too.
Maybe we don’t need to know exactly how the skills should work? ;-)
I think more details would be very supportive to choose how we/ I want to play…

What is going on?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142


Has anyone else a problem with it or should we ignore that we do not know that many and detailed things about the skills?

What is going on?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kanki the Techno Fox.2609

Kanki the Techno Fox.2609

That’s how it’s been since early BWE1, so I doubt it’s a bug. Probably be better off putting this as a suggestion in the forums. It does greatly annoy me too however.