What is wrong with Anet's developers team

What is wrong with Anet's developers team

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ares.1032



I bought this game from the beginning, every time Anet released a new update for guild wars 2 I lost some hope. Hope in this game, every time there was something wrong with the update/release.

How comes this, I ask myself, is Anet just selfish? or cant they never ever release a solid update that contains only few buggs?

Today after 16th march update I was sick of this, PVP is bugged all the way, your screen freezes everytime you open pvp panel ingame, People getting random dcs, and if you reroll in the begintimer you cant get in anymore. Also guild panel is bugged all they way, cant talk in my own guild, i got error message “you are not representing any guild”.

And when does Anet finally fix the servers in pvp? People will loose faith…

I know this is another salty post, i just hope with alot of posts like this, anet will do something about it.

What is wrong with Anet's developers team

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yifang.8260


Exactly why I’m not excited for future updates and even less so for the expansion. Last year was a stream of kitten ups and this year we have many problems already such as the whisper lags. My game patching’s still at 99% after a very long time, now why don’t Anet make download progress appear as a % or size of the content that’s downloading rather than listing the number of files to be downloaded?! Really is unique, totally useless as well I have no idea how large this last file is. If/when the game does complete updating perhaps I’ll return to the forum to report more bugs….