Why "Out with the Old, In with the New" ?

Why "Out with the Old, In with the New" ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kuulpb.5412


Ever since the betas of HoT the bug menu has changed to now have “beta”, removing some needed tabs that I now forget due to lack of ability to use them. Many Areas in HoT mention how leaving the “Beta area” will kill you.

The /stuck command doesn’t exist anymore which is a stupid design choice for multiple reasons, and with the release of Raids. I Doubt that the Dungeons will have any “fixing” to them, such as how the last boss of CoF P2 can’t be Meleed.

I would LOVE it if GW2 stopped working on adding things in for maybe a Month. and focused on Fixing things that are already in the game such as Dungeon Paths, The Zhaitan fight. the REMOVAL of Arah Story from choices. So Many things about Dungeons could be fixed. but I feel that they are just being forsaken, Plus of course all the weird “bugs” that I can’t file.

Why didn’t they ever fix the “report a bug” menu?

Some days I feel like I can’t go on…. and then I eat Garlic.

Why "Out with the Old, In with the New" ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leamas.5803


They already said they’re moving away from supporting dungeons in favor of raids. I wouldn’t expect a great deal of anything new or even fix-wise for dungeons. Personally, I don’t see dungeons going away. Currently they’re still needed for legendary weapons and the old way of crafting is still the most viable for a lot of people who already have a lot of time invested. The other thing with dungeons is they’re more at an intermediate level as opposed to the advanced level of raids. Many of those who leave for raids will eventually return simply because the larger teams and more difficult content won’t be to everyone’s taste. Once the new and shininess if the raids wear off, I think dungeons will still remain popular simply because it will be MUCH easier to put a team together.

Of course, we all know they will also nerf the difficulty of the raids once the shininess wears off too because no one will be doing them, much like they did with Orr long ago and like they did with the redesigned Tequatl and the 3-headed Wurm events.