Why did Anet only 'fix' reaper?

Why did Anet only 'fix' reaper?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Falcon.8713


I was in game yesterday and I noticed my blighter’s boon trait got ‘fixed’ so it wasn’t OP anymore (was it? or was it a way to be a viable teamplayer as a necromancer and being the actual tank role it was designed for)
Now what I also saw is that every other profession almost was left unharmed
What profession still need fixing imo:

  • Dragonhunter: true shots every 4 sec dealing 6k damage/skill, Test of faith: dealing double damage sometimes, dealing damage to you when you’re near it but NOT crossing
  • Druid’s ability to almost permablind someone, having massive condi removal, the ability to heal back to full health every time it gets low as kitten.
  • Revenant, infuse light: also heals up when ticked by condi damage (no counterplay as you can’t stop your condis from damaging), having 1200 shadowstep ignoring (almost) all structures, dealing a good amount of damage while you’re evading in the meantime, Staff 4 removes up to 8 stability stacks, the ability to have stack permaswiftness, fury and up to 15 might stacks by doing NOTHING.
  • Scrapper can have +500 toughness by getting hit… (So that one is allowed to have a massive buff to encourage teamplay but reaper can’t ?)

I’m really sorry to point this out this way.. I’ve been a necromancer player since release, I always encouraged people to play it wether or not it was ‘viable’ , you could make this viable yourself but it was hard.
Now with 2 betaweekends I was extremely happy with the way reaper works mechanic wise, traitwise, playstylewise. Our design to be a tank in teamfights finally came true, and after 3 DAYS after HoT launch the dream was already over because people were complaining already, forgetting to mention their own OP mechanics.

tldr, why did reaper get insanely nerfed (in case as teamplayer, not soloplayer)but all other professions only minor nerfs/no nerfs ?
Reroll nerf hype ?

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.