Why did I just go back one lvl twice?!
Your level counter will update and increase by 1 before all the exp sparkles fill up the exp bar.
So technically there’s nothing wrong? Can you please explain what you just said.
I didn’t really understand it.
-Thanks in advanced.
What he’s saying is that your bar is kind of like this, say, when you’re close to leveling from 13 to 14:
13 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------- ] 14
You complete a heart or a story mission or whatnot and get enough to level, and the numbers at the sides will update (13 becomes 14, 14 becomes 15) before the sparkly effects animate down to the bar and the bar extends. So it is possible that when you looked at your XP bar the numbers had already been updated, and you then watched the animation of the bar "growing" to the right before starting over on the left without maybe realizing that the numbers were 1 lower before.
First, it would update the numbers while your character had a flash of light around him/her and raised his/her weapon up:
13 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------- ] 14
14 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------- ] 15
Then, the effect on the bar would animate
14 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- ] 15
14 [~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] 15
possibly making it look like you didn’t gain a level
I believe that’s the idea Jzaku is trying to get across (man I should’ve recorded video of leveling up to illustrate this better, I guess). Without seeing the situation first-hand, though, that’s just what it sounds like you are describing. I cannot claim that is 100% what is happening to you without seeing it myself.
(edited by synk.6907)
For what it’s worth: I thought synk’s explanation & diagram was pretty good.