Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Derigar.7810


Can’t visit the latest blog… This “page” shows up. Help?


Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


try viewing it on something that isn’t google chrome, it might work. there have been a few problems viewing the gw2 site using chrome recently.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


I have seen it happening before. I see you have Adblock there. Try to disable it for that page and see if something changes. A while back I noted it was blocking an element in the page and it caused content to vanish. I’ll check it further and come back with a filter for Adblock or something.

Edit: Ah here we go. Do you have Fanboys Annoyance List in your Adblock rules? I have seen it causing issues with GW2 blog pages on past. Disable that filter and see if anything changes.

(edited by shadow.6174)

Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Oh I recalled the culprit: in Fanboy’s Annoyance List there is an entry like ###backtotop (near the middle of the list possibly). Disable it and the page will look fine.

Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Derigar.7810


Thanks! It worked

Why is this happening?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


Glad I could help. Yes, I recall me and others having this issue a while back, hehe.