Wilderness Knowledge
I have this issue as well, the trait Wilderness Knowledge is suppose to reduce the recharge rate of Entangle (elite skill) by 20% so it would go from 150 seconds to 120 seconds. I timed it to make sure it wasn’t just a tool tip error, but the skill remains to be a 150 second recharge, so the trait is definitely not working for entangle.
I recently noticed this as well while picking traits and slot skills for PvP. I wasn’t sure if this was intended or not…
It’d be nice if ANET would be able to answer this question. Is Entangled bugged or was it intended not to work with wilderness survival? 12 days now…….
Dear Anet,
I’d kindly appreciate it if you could answer this question. Is Entangled meant to work with the trait Wilderness Survival or not?
In the wiki is listed as a bug. I don’t know whether is intended or not… I hope they answer soon.