Will you fix the bugged karka queen event?
It’s unlikely Anet will patch it before the event concludes, you are better off guesting to another world and playing on their southsun map to finish your goals
I don’t like how they handle it. =(
But thanks anyway…
Does anyone know a EU world where the karka queen event is working?
I don’t like how they handle it. =(
But thanks anyway…Does anyone know a EU world where the karka queen event is working?
You can basically use gw2stuff.com to see when was the last time the queen was killed on a particular server. If it shows that the last time it was killed was 1-1.5hr ago then it is probably still working, probably.
The queen is permanent as are the chests. The achievement is said to have no time limit by a dev. The MF boost will probably be gone but MF doesn’t work on chests anyway and for queen’s corpse doesn’t even have a guaranteed blue+ like a champion so that doesn’t seem to matter much either.
I will have a look into the achievement statement, because then I do not have to rush through it right now..
But the question to the devs remains (even if they will not patch it until this living story ends): When will you fix it?
I found the statement and Robert indeed says there is no time limit to the achievement (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/southsun/Crazed-Karka-Queen-achievement-BUG/first#post2180630), but there also is the statement that all achievements will be gone after the 11th (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/community-news/a-guide-to-last-stand-at-southsun-cove/).
Which statement is the valid one?
However, I am quite disappointed that there are a lot of bugs that came with the living story which have not been fixed yet.
It seems that it is working again, but now too few players are online. :-(
We finally killed her and got the achievement! <3
What server did you guest on to fix Karka Queen? It looks like arenanet has no clue on how to fix this issue and makes excuses and does not fix issue?
I’ve never experienced this.
Are you referring to the Driftglass camp nests? You’ve tried using the environmental weapon flamethrowers right? This is the only way to damage them. They spawn at the outskirts of the camp, primarily the northern and southern entrances.
If you mean the Camp Karka nests, any weapon will do – there are three clusters of eggs. The smallest cluster is often overlooked.
For the toast!
I have a suggestion since Arenanet has not fixed the bug for Karka Queen for a lot of people and there are only 3 times it is on and if people miss they wasted a lot of time for nothing. Perhaps, Arenanet can setup the event for more than 3 times and setup guesting for more than 2 times just in case bug still has issues on other servers as well. Not really sure if guesting another server will fix issue though?
You seem to have resurrected a pre-megaserver post. I doubt very much if there’s any connection between what you might be seeing and what took place nearly a year ago.
- If you show up at 5 minutes prior to the scheduled event, you are nearly guaranteed to be in a different instance. Often, I find myself in a new map 15 minutes prior.
- I finish this event daily and never once have I seen a problem with completing any of the events. I’ve never even heard anyone whine about this. (That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but it does mean the circumstances must be very unusual.)
- If you are still experiencing the issue somehow, then please start a new thread and include more detail about what you are seeing. Which event isn’t finishing? What happens to the other three settlements while the map is working on that event? Do you see the count-down timer for the queen’s appearance? What time are you trying to do this event? etc
I’m sure many of us would be happy to help you get past the event and be able to participate in taking the queen down. We just need enough info so that we can offer suggestions.