Willing Captives Zone Walls Glitched when trying to get orb
Can you take and attach some screenshots? I’m not arenanet but it would probably help them if you had a screenshot of the specific walls that are invisible. You can click more posting and formatting options on the bottom of your new post and upload screenshots.
Also make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Everything else was fine i had to restart my game to even move my character it was just the one part of the zone that all the walls were missing
Issue Resolved i tried it again and could see everything not sure what happened
Exactly the same happened to me. I’ve reported and included Screenshots before loging out and trying again. Quite annoying when you are just missing the very last step of a long mission. On the second attempt everything went fine.
Same thing happened to me (4 months later). I could not even get to the chests, as if there were an invisible barrier. I restarted and got it. The issue is not resolved, but there is a (long-ish) workaround.