Winter's Presence: Bug, or user error?
ANet is inconsistent about what triggers an unlock or an achievement (or achievement sub-requirements).
Generally, if it’s a consumable, you have to consume it and if it’s not, acquiring it is sufficient. But there are exceptions.
I can’t imagine why you’d wait to add the karma to your account, though. If it works, great — you ‘re done; if it doesn’t, you’re no worse off than before.
FYI the wiki doesn’t (yet) mention whether consumption is required. Maybe someone who has finished this can comment.
I got the Winter’s Presence, but that was almost a year ago.
I ‘think’ I did consume that item to unlock it. It also gives 10K Karma.
But tbh, I’m only like 75% sure I consumed it, so I wouldn’t quote me on this matter.
When the collection completes you don’t get the shoulder, get a blueprint item.
You can always take a screenshot showing you acquired the consumable, then if it does not credit the collection, submit it to the CS Team.
Good luck.
I can’t imagine why you’d wait to add the karma to your account, though. If it works, great — you ‘re done; if it doesn’t, you’re no worse off than before.
I admit to nothing, but I’ve heard there are people who would hold onto irreplaceable items, especially if what they can be used for is as easy to get as 10k karma.
That, and the reason I already gave – paranoia about using it and still not being credited.
I got the Winter’s Presence during last Wintersday. You do in fact need to consume the ‘Masterful Toast’ item for it to count for the collection achievement. If you use it and don’t get credit you can always contact customer support as it may be a bug that needs fixing.
Generally it goes like this:
Achievements that require specific pieces of armor/weapons/trinkets that are bound to account or character when you acquire them: you only need to obtain the item for it to give credit.
Achievements that require weapons/armor/trinkets that are tradeable and not bound until equipped: you will need to equip the item to bind it in order to get credit, meaning you can’t resell the item afterwards.
All achievements that require consumable items: you need to actually use the items to get credit. Simply owning the item isn’t enough.
(edited by Charrbeque.8729)
so did consuming the item work or not?