World Completion Glitched
Have you visited the Chantry of secrets? Some have said that even if they visited it previously they didn’t get credit for 100% completion until they visited it again in the same situation as you.
I have no encountered this problem personally and have 100% world completion on 2 characters.
yes i have been there
you also need the 5 area achievements, kryta, maguuma orr etc
im pretty sure you dont because those areas include the jumping puzzles and my friends have gotten them without it
well i found out the zone that didnt count was Divinites Reach and i re-explored it but now only missing 1 point of interest and i am 100% sure all of things are 100% complete
Have you been to the Hall of Monuments? I know there’s a single POI there but honestly i can not remember if that counts towards the word completion or not.. worth a try though.