The Dank Miss-Mesmer/Autumn Artemis-Ranger/Method Smoker-Ele
World Map Completion Issue
The Dank Miss-Mesmer/Autumn Artemis-Ranger/Method Smoker-Ele
It’s a current bug with racial cities (Black Citadel, Rata Sum, Divinity’s Reach, The Grove). You will complete map exploration of a city without finding all the POI there. For instance The Grove when you are there shows 5/5 POI when in reality there are like 19 POI there.
So I suggest going to each racial city and carefully looking for any POI you didn’t find.
Thank you for the suggestion. I spent the last 2 hours running around the cities and cross referencing my map with the ones from and I can’t find any points of interest that I am missing Everyone that shows on their maps I have on mine.
The Dank Miss-Mesmer/Autumn Artemis-Ranger/Method Smoker-Ele
That bug was fixed though:
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in which an incorrect number of available points of interest were shown on map loading screens.
Also, from what I recall I believe that the list at is a bit out-dated. I have seen new pois added recently that aren’t in that list. Have you tried checking Wiki, mainly the list of commonly missed ones ( Maybe you can use to check it some further.
Thank you Shadow, yeah my cities all say the proper number of Points of Interest and I counted/compared mine. I did just now look at the commonly missed areas on the link you gave me and I have all three. I will check the completion table now. I love any and all suggestions as I just can’t stand having this unresolved, it’s messing with my obsessive compulsive nature that I can’t get to the finish line! I don’t care about crafting a legendary atm the moment so the reward isn’t my motivation, the satisfaction of completing this goal is.
The Dank Miss-Mesmer/Autumn Artemis-Ranger/Method Smoker-Ele
I’m not saying I haven’t missed something, but every area does say 100% complete so short of running through every single area and hitting every single point of interest I’m not sure what to do. Even if support could just tell me which zone it is if I am missing one due an area completion glitch it would be much appreciated so I didn’t have to run through the whole world again
The Dank Miss-Mesmer/Autumn Artemis-Ranger/Method Smoker-Ele
How long ago did you start map completion?
Some zones (such as Wayfarer) have had POIs added to them, which if you completed the map before these were added, you’ll need to go back and get them.
If I recall, the Zone will say 100% complete, but if you look at the individual items, you may not have the full X of X completed.
Good luck.
Actually, I believe that for areas which had items added the total count will regress. I remember when they recently added 2 new hearts to Plains of Ashford that the counter for me regressed to 98% even though I had it completed.
Anyhow, not sure if it’s what you are going to do but check each area with the lists on wiki. The link I posted takes you to the articles related to each map too. I believe the wiki is more up-to-date than the website you were using as reference.
Good luck and let us know if you find what is missing.
P.S.: yeah I can understand that obsessive nature, I also feel bothered to see things uncompleted :P