World bosses no loot glitch?

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


Hey everyone,
For a while now, I’ve been having problems where I would do a world boss and not get loot.

Im not just talking about the daily yellow chest, but also about the big chest in the middle.

I am even the one that jumpstarted jormag and sb once, and i got a gold medal for the event, and zero awards.
Considering i have been busy at work recently, and barely playing a few (spread out) hours in the week, then i am 100% sure that it’s not because i “already did it”…

the chests just never show up… anyone else having this? because apparent it’s been happening to some in game (snapshot)


World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


also, it JUST happened to me on sb (gates of madness) not even 10 mins ago…
I feel like im losing chances at loot… and I wish to know if people are on this…

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


are you doing this with alts? I used to have an alt most worldboss locations so they would do those events exclusively. only after repeating the same world boss two or three times without doing any other events inbetween (pre events work, for those events where such exist), your character gets diminishing returns and won’t be able to loot the chest.

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cyber.1798


are you doing this with alts? I used to have an alt most worldboss locations so they would do those events exclusively. only after repeating the same world boss two or three times without doing any other events inbetween (pre events work, for those events where such exist), your character gets diminishing returns and won’t be able to loot the chest.

as a matter of fact, yes.
for jormag i have my tanky guardian alt nearby and almost exclusively do jormag with it since i maxed it a long time ago.

on that sb, i have my elementalist chick that happened to be there because i need eyes on that event.
when i didnt get loot, it was on that alt which i used only because the event had already started and i didnt wanna take a risk in getting stuck on a loading screen…

so in other words, i should dust off my alts for 1 random event after each jormag/sb run so that i get my loot back?

World bosses no loot glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AeroJavi.1687


Probably, rather than doing other events, going out of the map and coming back in should grant you the chest again. We’re not 100% sure how it works, but there’s a stealth nerf on bosses so you don’t just “camp” for those events.