World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

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Posted by: Gennesuke.4597


100% world completion without HoT and no Gifts of Exploration reward recieved. Anyone alse have this issues?

Opened ticked (1955026)

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

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Posted by: Moira Shalaar.5620

Moira Shalaar.5620

Have you tried the suggestions here:

Also, there is the possibility that you may not actually be complete despite having done all the hearts/wp/hp/poi. Some regions have zones that are explorable without having any of those within them. There is a helpful list of those here:

Hope this helps!

mid-2011 iMac; OSX 10.9.5; 3.4 GHz Core i7;
16GB RAM; AMD Radeon 6970M 2GB VRAM

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iFarawla.1057


Hey guys,
I have completed the world map on my Ranger/Druid and I’ve made sure that on the top corner it says 100% Map Complete. However, I have not received any gifts of exploration. I am nearly done with my legendary weapon just need the gift of exploration to finish it. has anyone else had this problem before? any ideas?


World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Make sure to visit the Chantry of Secrets in Bloodtide Coast.

Good luck.

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iFarawla.1057


I’ve been to Chantry of Secrets first thing… also went back to visit all maps to make sure I’ve collected their rewards. no luck…


World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Some players reported that they did not receive the reward when they obtained the world completion achievement. For some, revisiting the Chantry of Secrets resolved the issue. A few were able to work around the issue by revisiting every map on the required list. Another fix is to go through the Asura gate in Lions Arch to Black Citadel. If you encounter this issue and are not able to fix it on your own, you will have to contact ArenaNet support.

Not sure if it helps.

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iFarawla.1057


Thank you) I tried all of the above, hasn’t worked for me. I don’t know what else I could do. maybe just drop my legendary weapon project? what a waste of time and coins… its very frustrating!

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can always contact the CS Team via the link above.

Good luck.

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gennesuke.4597


I have tried all this. With no effect. But thank you anyway.

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Hey guys,
I have completed the world map on my Ranger/Druid and I’ve made sure that on the top corner it says 100% Map Complete. However, I have not received any gifts of exploration. I am nearly done with my legendary weapon just need the gift of exploration to finish it. has anyone else had this problem before? any ideas?


There are a couple of reasons for this, the most common one: chantry of secrets (which you already visited and revisited).

Before going further, double-check that the game agrees: get a friend to look at your character to see if it has the gold star for map completion (yes! ANet gives us a gold star!). If yes, then follow Inculpuatus’ advice and contact Customer Service — the game agrees you’re at 100% completion; only CS can figure out what happened to your rewards.

If you’re missing the gold star (and so the game disagrees with your ‘100%’ assessment), here are the possible issues I’ve read about (with suggested approaches). I’ve repeated the most common one, in case others following along from home have the same question:

  • Chantry of Secrets, in Bloodtide Coast — for a variety of reasons, a lot of players need to re-enter/exit that zone before being rewarded 100%.
  • Added PoI since you last visited a map: Living Story Season (1 & 2) — there were a few new PoI added during various chapters and if you haven’t been in the zone since, you’d still show 100% map completion. The talk page of the wiki’s Map Completion article has a link to an old list, which offers details on most of these new locations.
  • Moved or renamed PoI/WP — similar case to above and I haven’t personally confirmed this: people say that they had to return to the maps (not the locations) where the LS changed or moved a POI/WP before getting map completion.
  • Claw Island: the wiki says this can only be unlocked during the personal story
  • Draithor’s Demesnes in Kessex Hills — this doesn’t affect many, since Kessex would be marked at <100%.

If you have to, just re-enter every core Tyria zone and open the map, to check if it’s 100%. Although annoying, that’s the fastest way to check and possibly trigger the reward.

Good luck and please let us know what you discover.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andraus.3874


@Regular forum posters. This seems like a real bug. I know usually it isn’t but check this thread out. I believe it relates to them trying to fix rewards for people who already have 100% and try to do HoT maps, SS, DT, and SW to get map completion awards but they don’t.

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iFarawla.1057


Hey guys,

Any updates about the gift of exploration reward? I got the achievement, title and the star next to my name but no reward still… >.<

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: szockeAu.3167


Hey OP did you perhaps leave the map you were in right after you completed the 100%?
Because I just had this issue that I completed Straits of Devastation, the chest appeared, but I teleported to Divinity’s Reach before opening it and it disappeared! Then I completed Divinity’s Reach to see if it happens again, the chest was above my mini-map but when I transitioned to another zone, bam, no chest! Could it be that your chest appeared at first but you moved to another location and it disappeared? In any case this is a serious issue and must be fixed by ArenaNet!

World completion reward for regular maps [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vhira.5032


I waited to finish my 100% Tyria Map Competion until the 11/17 update, which aimed to fix broken map rewards on Southsun, Dry Top, Silverwastes, and HoT maps.

I finished the last HP for 100% on 11/17 after the update, and I did not receive Gifts of Exploration. Since then, I have revisited every map including the Chantry of Secrets with no luck.

I saw a thread on reddit where a player received Map Completion for Doric Lake, a map that was cut from the game in early development.

In any event, this bug seems uncommon, but it seems that I am not the only one with an issue.